
Tuesday, November 24, 2020


Yesterday Mark went to the doctor and came home with a prescription for antibiotics and a diagnosed ear infection. 

It reminded me how grateful I am for modern medicine.

Without it, Adam, Emma and Mark would all be dead.  I would be blind in my left eye.  I think Braeden would be OK, assuming he survived all the various infections and illness he's had that have been treated with antibiotics.

It's humbling to think about.

I'm grateful for Mark's insulin pump and glucose monitor that not only keep him healthy, but are more convenient and pleasant than pricking his finger to test his blood and giving himself a shot six times a day.

I'm grateful for contacts and glasses.  

I'm grateful for central heating and air conditioning, indoor plumbing and a gas fireplace.  I'm grateful for refrigeration and a washing machine and a dishwasher.  There are many devices that free us up for other pursuits.

I'm thankful every cold morning for a seated heat and (glory!) a heated steering wheel.

I'm grateful for the internet and cell phones and the ability to stay in touch and find information.

I'm thankful for the little things that don't feel necessary but make life nicer like ice cubes and a toaster.  

I'm grateful for podcasts and streaming videos and online shopping.

It's a nice life with all this technology (especially when it works).

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