Yesterday was our birthday and it was a good day. I started it by seeing my parents! They had stayed with us the night before and when I went downstairs for my breakfast, my mom was there, in a chair, waiting to say happy birthday.
You can turn 49 and it still feels more complete to see your mom and dad on your birthday.
They also took us to dinner the night before, which was very nice. They went to Pride and Prejudice at BYU. They loved watching Freja too!
On Monday, one of my students asked me what my favorite candy bar was. I told her peanut m and m's. She asked me what my favorite drink was. I said, "Diet Coke." She recorded both answers in a notebook.
She apparently spread the word because several students handed me diet coke or peanut m and m's when they walked in the door. She's the same student that organizes other people's desks if they want her to. She will make a great Relief Society president someday.
I also loved the already loved on pink bear... |
Jamie gave me an Anne of Green Gables cursive writing book. She said it was perfect for a 3rd grade teacher who was a kindred spirit.
Janelle hung a balloon on my door and gave me a gift card and treat.
There were cards in my box and the principal, vice principal and secretary sang to me.
Elementary schools are where it's at. Almost always. You get together that many (mostly women) who nurture for a living, they're going to be nice to you on your birthday.
I brought my class ice cream (which they'd earned as a reward) and birthday cake oreo cookies. I also milked it being my birthday all day long.
For example, when they wondered why I wouldn't unblock youtube during their few minutes of free time at the end of the day I said, "It's my birthday and I don't want to."
One of them said, "After all we've done for you!"
(He's not one that brought me anything, but maybe he felt like it had been a group effort.)
I said, "Even after all you've done for me. It's my birthday."
Another of them said, "And she's the boss."
After school, my grandma called. She wished me a happy birthday and Adam as well. We chatted for a few minutes about me being a grandma, and her being a great-great-grandma. We were about to hang up, and I started crying.
She said, "Honey, what's wrong?!?"
I said, "Nothing, I just have to tell you. I want to be like you. When I think of what kind of grandma I want to be, it is like you."
I hope I can be.
My friend, Marie-Louise, teases me because one year Adam and I celebrated our birthday by going to Costco. I think we eclipsed that glamorous destination this year though, we went to Target optical.
The day before, when my parents were there, my glasses broke. My mom said, "Well, luckily, your dad is here."
He inspected the problem and said, "I'll go get my glue."
The man travels with superglue.
He repaired my glasses, but I decided it was time to face the truth that I really need new glasses. I not only need frames that aren't crumbling, but I need progressives that make reading up close easier.
"But Grandmother, what big glasses you have!"
"The better to see you with my dear."
There were two pairs I was deciding between. Adam took pictures and I said, "Text Emma."
The guy asked, "Your daughter?"
I love that that was predictable. How wonderful to have a daughter!