
Friday, October 27, 2023

Grateful Friday

I'm home alone and I'm grateful that I don't mind it.  I do miss Adam and Emma so I'm also grateful that I'm not always home alone.  Wednesday, I talked to Adam while I was driving home and I told him that I was going to stop at Trader Joe's just to see what they had and then I was going to go to Joann Fabrics for some embroidery floss.

He said, "Well you are just living the bachelorette dream!"

I guess so.  

Adam is in Las Vegas for a graduation and even though I wish I were with him, I am grateful I am not in Las Vegas.  When Adam called me last night, the first thing he said was, "I hate Las Vegas."

I agree. It's an embarrassment to Nevada.

Emma went to Portland and then Seattle.  She went to Portland for a concert of one of her favorite singers.  It was very kind of Enoch and Jennifer to host her.  I started feeling stressed the night of the concert, thinking about her leaving it alone, late at night, in an unfamiliar city.  She is the most independent person I know and she is a fully grown girl, but still.

Enoch texted me a nice text about how they enjoyed having her and I texted back that I was grateful she had their house to stay at--one less worry for me.  He acknowledged that it was a little sketchy where she had been and he slept better once she got home for the night.  I can't even put into words how loved it made me feel to have my enormous brother standing watch for her.

Geri picked her up in Portland and now Emma is off on an adventure with her.  I'm grateful for the opportunity she has had to see family and friends she loves.

I'm still grateful for physical therapy because it is helping.  It also is taking a lot of time so I'll be grateful when I'm done with it too.

I am grateful for the fireplace in our room.  The temperature took a dip and since I'll be gone all day, it seemed silly to turn on the heat for the hour I'm home in the morning.  I turned on the pilot light and flipped the switch for the fireplace and warm flames sprung to life.  You can't have read The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder and not marvel at that situation.

I'm grateful I get to have dinner with Marianne and Robert tonight!

I'm still grateful for autumn.  I love it and I love looking forward to the holidays.

It's a happy time.

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