
Monday, October 16, 2023


After a long and tiring week, I had a very nice weekend.

Friday after work we packed everything up, talked about our dinner plans across the cul-de-sac and headed out with us in Adam's car and the Porters in Dave's truck.  Nola texted, "Is there a rest stop anywhere soon?"

Adam said, "In about 30 minutes."

I looked on Google maps and the rest stop was exactly 30 minutes away.

It's like we've driven that road a few times....

We also stopped in Wendover for a classy dinner at Arby's in the truck stop/casino/ Arby's hybrid that is there.

It's a whole cultural experience.

Speaking of experiences, we had flies.

My dad had kindly gone over earlier in the day to sweep/vacuum our flies.  I told him he didn't need to, but he did anyway.  He called me to ask if I had a dust mop.  I do, but I had the head of it with us because I had taken it home to wash.

He texted me a picture of one of his piles of flies which I will not post here because it was that horrifying.  I talked to my dad later and he told me that he'd started hurting too much (since he has, you know, broken vertebrae and ribs) so he stopped working on it.

I said, "I wish you hadn't done any of it!"

He said, "Don't worry, you'll still have a mess to clean up."

And we did.  The four of us each had either a broom or vacuum and tackled the flies.  I asked the Porters, "Isn't this exactly what you would want to be doing on a Friday night?"

Dave said, "This is fascinating!"

Basically, they're good houseguests.

The flies were pretty amazing.  My dad said it was because we had such a wet year.  He said we could either have drought or flies.  I asked if there was a third option.  I guess that is life in the fast lane when you have a log house that you don't live in.  Flies in the fall.

We cleaned everything up and sat and visited until way too late.  

Saturday we visited some more, Adam cooked sausage and we put it in the slow cooker and then we headed over to Marianne's for the watch party.

This is an understatement because I lack the words, but the eclipse was amazing.

Here we are on the deck in our fashionable glasses.

I managed to get one picture of the eclipse using an extra pair of glasses and having Dave push the button on my phone.

I always kind of like it when you experience something that you can't adequately document with a picture.  It feels extra novel.  I don't know; I can't explain it.

We had our brunch (why we brought sausage) that was so wonderful and filling we didn't eat again until an early dinner.  Marianne knows how to throw a party.

We stayed and visited at Marianne's, stopped at my parents and showed the Porters around, then went over and showed them the barn.  It was a regular tour of Thelma's childhood.

We even picked apples in the orchard and ate them.  

In the late afternoon they headed back to Utah.  They were climbing into their truck and Adam said, "I think I'll go mow."

So he did and I took my components over to my dad for the lamp I want.  Geri shared a picture with me originally of a mixer that had been transformed into a lamp.  I have the old Sunbeam Mixmaster that belonged to my grandma.  I bought a lamp kit and took it all to my dad.  He looked at it and said, "Yeah, I can probably do that."

I told him that I really appreciated having someone in my life who I could present my harebrained project ideas to.

My mom invited us for dinner so I went back to the Home Place. We are rebranding it as that which is what everybody else calls it anyway, but I didn't want to because I wanted to be respectful to Adam because it was never his home place, but he said he doesn't care so I probably should have just asked him in the first place.  (I am teaching my third graders about run on sentences and I think I have a candidate for an example of a run on sentence.)

I got Adam and two loaves of sourdough bread to contribute to the dinner.  Ammon's family, Marianne and Robert, my parents and we all had a nice dinner.  We went home and I went straight to bed, I was that tired.

After bragging all weekend about how I hadn't had any headaches, I woke up with a doozy in the middle of the night.  I sat in my chair and read a little and contemplated that maybe this would be the headache that would finally kill me, but it didn't.

I was moving slowly Sunday morning and Adam had to get back to Utah for a meeting so I tried to rally and help get stuff ready, but Adam did most of it.

I was pretty worthless the rest of the day.  Pride cometh before the fall.

Adam and I drove home together, holding hands and talking about the weekend and listening to part of this week's Follow Him podcast.  He had me send a bunch of texts to people about the meeting he was going to.  He had 56 unread texts on his phone that had piled up during the drive.  He is busy and tireless and I'm grateful he is mine!

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

What a lovely weekend! Sorry we missed you (and sorry about your headache--I hope it's better now).


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