
Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Come on Barbie let's go party!

Yesterday after school we gathered in the main hall to decorate.  We are all dressing as Barbies except Matt will be Ken and Tyler who teaches 6th grade will be ?  He doesn't love our Barbie theme....

There were some students still in the building for Boys and Girls club.  Several of them asked, "What are you doing?!?"

Elementary teachers and Halloween are a whole thing.  95% of what we do everyday is for our students, but this Barbie theme is purely for us.  Most of the kids haven't seen it.  We love a theme though and we are all in.

I took some pictures of the action.



I was cutting the lengths of pink paper along with another teacher.  Who didn't see it coming that I wouldn't do a great job?  Elsa, a kindergarten teacher got some scissors and corrected my failings.  I did go to my classroom for some really good adhesive that I have from Amazon.  It sticks to brick!  Like in Fried Green Tomatoes, when Kathy Bates' character says she is older and has more car insurance, I'm older and have better adhesive stuff. 

We all have our contributions.

Everyone was talking about what a crazy day yesterday had been as they were excited for Halloween.  I said, "Mine wasn't so bad."

Lacey, a first grade teacher, smiled slyly and said, "Did you have some friends absent?"

And I said, "Yes, yes I did."

Today is going to be wild, but I'll get by with a little help from my fellow Barbies.

(I love where I work.)


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