
Thursday, December 19, 2019

At least the timing is good

It's after she got home from France but before our insurance deductible resets for the new year.

(Hurray for diabetes and the met deductible!)

Emma had serious abdominal pain last night, so bad that I took her to urgent care.  They sent us to the ER.  She was found to have gall stones causing problems, blocking a bile duct and hurting her liver.

So here we are.

Adam took the overnight shift and sent me home to kind of, but not really, sleep.  As soon as the security alarm was deactivated, I went to the school and laid out my hastily written (after 1:00 AM so here's hoping they make sense) sub plans.  Then I came to the hospital and sent Adam home to sleep. We are awaiting the doctor and she will more than likely have surgery.  I thought it was for sure but the nurse said maybe.

So here we are.

Emma is in a morphine haze and feeling not great, but OK.  Mark, full of hospital empathy, wanted to stay the night with her and slept poorly because he was worried.  Braeden and Anna are checking in and praying and sending love.

We've got this!

I'm so glad my girl isn't in France!

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