
Sunday, December 1, 2019


Most of Saturday was spent with wedding festivities.

In the morning though, we joined up with Geri and went to Point Loma and the Cabrillo National Monument.  We visited the tide pools but the tide was in.  I was hoping to see some starfish but the crashing waves were impressive and fun to watch.

In a shocking turn of events the kids got soaked.

Here Mark is taunting the waves to come and get him:

Here Anna shows she's the toughest in the group.

I tried to keep them back away from the slick rock edge because I didn't want them to fall in the water and be pummeled against the rocks.  You know, like a mom.

Anna said, "Don't worry.  I'm pretty sure I could hold both of them if I needed to."

It didn't give me quite the reassurance I was looking for.

It was a beautiful day at a beautiful spot.

We went to the San Diego temple for the sealing.  Another beautiful spot.

The reception was held at a posh hotel.  It occurs to me that I didn't get one photo of the happy couple.

Adam did get this picture though.  So that's something.

Adam's aunt Suzy was there and his cousin Cathy (and of course Pam) and it was fun to visit with them a little and feel the magical connection that is family even though you see each other infrequently.  Aunt Suzy lives in Georgia and I've only seen her a handful of times.  That does not keep her from hugging me and calling me Darlin'.  I'm grateful for the ties that bind me to these good people.

Two Lamborghinis and a Porsche were parked outside our hotel when we returned.

I went up to our room and Mark wanted to stay behind and look at the cars.  Adam sent me this:

We head home this morning, fingers crossed one of our neighbors compassionately cleared our driveway so we can make it to the garage.  It's been a wonderful restful trip.

I'm glad we did it.

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