
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Year in review

Everywhere I look there are lists.  I love lists but these kind of make me feel tired.  They are year in review lists and decade in review lists:  best movies, music, TV shows, books of the year (or the decade).  I have heard podcasts and radio broadcasts and seen blogposts and newspaper articles that talk about these kinds of lists.

Self reflect!

What did you learn?!?

What do you have to show for yourself?

I'm tired.

2019 sort of wiped me out.  It has been a hard year.  There have been health challenges for people I love and plain old hard things and exciting changes.  Turns out even exciting changes can be exhausting and stressful.  We've all sort of been finding our way in various aspects of life.

Adam has surfaced as the MVP.  (That's probably true every year but it feels especially true this year.)

When we were in Nevada, Robert told me that he and Adam had talked at length about me teaching. Robert told me about the compliments Adam had given when talking about me as a teacher (although Adam hasn't ever been there when I'm teaching).

Robert is certifiably one of the best men I know and he told me that Adam "is so much better than I am."  He said that even though Adam didn't say it, clearly he had sacrificed some of his own interests for me.  I told Robert some of the things Adam regularly does to help me.  For example, on Saturdays Adam insists he will clean the kitchen and do the more mundane tasks.  He always says, "I'll do this.  You work on the things only you can do."

It's not just that though.

Adam has taken up the charge taking care of Mark's diabetic supplies.  He places orders and helps Mark change his monitor and pump infusion sight.  I'm so grateful to have less to have to think about.

Adam also grounds me with doses of reality and perspective.  He chides me for being unreasonable and inventing motives for people.  I appreciate that he won't let me get away with nonsense.

I know I have a lot to be grateful for.  I'm looking forward to hanging a fresh calendar on the wall.

I'm ready.

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