
Friday, December 27, 2019

I love a list

I'm a serial list maker.  Yesterday I wrote a good long to do list--and then read a lot.  Since that didn't go so well, I'll make a list here of happenings around here after our first day of lollidays (the happy time between Christmas and New Year's Day when you loll around the house).

1- I made a big list of how productive I was going to be.

2- I finished my book.

3- I repeated myself in this post.

4- I was 200 steps shy of 10,000 steps (Adam got me a fitbit for Christmas--I asked for one, this isn't   a Pelaton situation).  Running up and down stairs to get stuff for Emma ups my step count!

5- Adam and I ran a few errands (we bought wrapping paper and gift tags and groceries).  Trader Joe's didn't have satsumas and it broke my heart a little.  We always had satsumas at Christmas time in Washington and it's hard to find them here.

6- We were close to my school and Adam asked if I wanted to stop by and do some things.  I said no.  There are things to do, but not during the lollidays.

7- I cleaned up all the Christmas gifts/boxes/ribbons from the main floor (I still need to tackle the wrapping station in the basement).

8- I made bread pudding with some leftover sourdough bread.  Then I remembered none of our kids like bread pudding.  But I do.

9- I tried to get Emma to eat.  I quizzed her about anything that would sound good.  Applesauce, that's all.  We got her out of the house and took a drive in downtown PG to see the lights.

10- I saw on the library marquee that they are having a used book sale and I decided to go today and check it out for my classroom.  I haven't been to the PG library for over 5 years.  It was very small and anemic and I took it personally.  Maybe it's time to give it another chance.

11- We went to Kneader's for dinner and I bought a red Christmas decoration because it was 50% off and red is my love language.  Emma ate half a sandwich.

12- I loved hearing Emma and Mark laugh in the backseat while we drove around.  Sometimes I think those two have their own language.

13- We had a nice evening out and then Emma threw up when we got home.

14- It's going to take awhile until she's back to normal, but she is slowly improving.

15- I made a plan for a long overdue phone conversation with Janet.  I smiled when I woke up this morning and remembered I had that to look forward to.

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