
Thursday, September 28, 2023

Always an adventure

Yesterday Hannah, who is the third grade intern, said, "I still love this job, but somedays I think, why am I doing this?!?"

I said, "I know!"

She said, "It is always an adventure." 

And that is true.  

Yesterday the boy who lost his shoes had a missing backpack.  This one he was very stressed about.  He said, "It was my dad's when he was in high school!"

I sent out an email to all the teachers and within 30 minutes it was back in our classroom.  (Kindergartners had it....)

Even after school I had teachers emailing to make sure it was found.  

And someone also told me I had cute shoes.

Teachers are nice.  Girls aren't always nice.

I had a ring of mean girl action going on yesterday.  (Last year rowdy boys, this year mean girls.)

I had five of them sit at my desk while I took everyone else to computers.  I said, "I'll come back and talk to you."

I came back to five silent girls with nervous faces.

I told them that girls are REALLY good at being nice.  Better than boys, I thought.  I asked them to tell me what a good friend is like.

I told them that girls are REALLY good at being mean.  Way better than boys.  I asked them to tell me what a mean girl is like.

I told them it was up to them if they wanted to be mean or nice.

By the end they were all crying.  One sobbed in my arms and then I gave her a Kleenex and told her to go to computers.


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