
Friday, November 16, 2012

He always goes there

Mark:  doing battle against waves
Fairly often, Emma rolls her eyes and sighs deeply at Mark.  "Why does everything have to end in violence?" she asks.

It's true.  His conversation often disintegrates into brawling.

Yesterday may have been a new low.  We were driving and he said, "You know Mom, how I've asked you who would win in a fight, Jack in the Box or Ronald McDonald?"

"Yes, Mark."  It's come up.  Several times.

"OK,"  he said, "How about this: who would win between Taco Bell and Pizza Hut?"

Yes, are we really talking about this? did cross my mind.   I offered my opinion.  "Pizza Hut would win."

(Sort of a rock, paper, scissors thing.  The pizza would defeat the bell, just like paper defeats the rock.)

"But, Mom, what is the symbol for Pizza Hut?"

I didn't know (even though we had just driven by a Pizza Hut).

"It's a roof.  The bell would smash the roof.  It would destroy it." It delighted him and he reenacted the bell and roof battle, head to head.

What can I say, not everyone would consider a duel between trademarks.  My boy is not everyone.


Ammon said...

This reminds me of conversations Melanee and I have frequently after watching certain movies. Who would win between Jason Bourne and Ethan Hunt? Between Gandalf and Dumbledore? etc. The bottom line is: Chuck Norris would beat everyone.

Thelma said...

Ammon--I am so glad that I now have someone to blame for Mark and his Markness. (And Mary Poppins could kick Chuck Norris's trash.)

Olivia Cobian said...

Mark looks like our cousin Harvey. I never knew that before.


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