
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How to not make a sale

Last night, when I was making dinner, there was a knock on my door.

It was a young man holding one of those security system signs, here to tell me I guess how he could keep my house from being burglarized.  He smiled big and (I think) was trying to look charming.

"Good evening, sir," he said jovially.

Then his demeanor crumbled a little.

"I mean, ma'am!  Sorry!  I was just talking to this guy and..."

At least I think that's what he said.  (I was closing the door at the time.)

I felt 10% sorry for him and 90% thrilled that I could act offended that he'd called me sir when really I just didn't want to talk to him at all. 

Sometimes it doesn't take much to make me happy.

1 comment:

Sage Grayson said...

Hee hee! Poor kid. I don't like talking to salespeople either. I usually just don't open the door. It's rude, I know, but it's kind of rude to be bothering me at home when I'm trying to make dinner.


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