Happy Nevada Day! (And Happy Halloween.)
Nevada became a state 150 years ago. Exciting times. Last night we had a celebration with Clarissa, Ammon, Melanee, Cormac and Azure. So pretty much the best Utah County has to offer as far as party guests go...
Whenever I have people over for dinner, the top priorities are setting the table and the dessert. (So I guess the lesson here is you may not want to come too hungry.)
I cut some sagebrush a few steps beyond our yard. And then added a few silver sparkles. Because, The Silver State.
Here's a close up of the genuine Nevada made spurs made by my lovely Daddy.
When I was in college my dad also made me a Nevada shaped cookie cutter because I asked him to. It's nice to have a dad that can make a cookie cutter on demand. I put it to good use with gingerbread cookies. I was going to pipe 150 on them with frosting (in an attempt to copy Olivia's awesomeness) but I didn't get to it.
You've got to have beef when you are celebrating Nevada so Adam brought home some beef brisket from Dickey's. Mmmmmm.
After dinner, we played some exciting games and everyone got prizes worth...dollars. It was like a little kid soccer league. Everyone got a trophy even if they didn't know that the Nevada state fossil is Icthyosaur.
Ammon disputed some of the trivia but then he said he didn't really care that much and he was just happy to get his glamorous glittery pencils (that was his prize).
We watched Waddie Mitchell, who is my dad's friend and also the official poet of the Silver State's Sesquicentennial, recite a poem he was commissioned to write. You can find anything you want when you google.
Finally we had pumpkin birthday cake with cream cheese frosting.
We enlisted darling children to blow out the candles. (We lit them twice.)
Since it is Halloween, here's a little costume reveal:
This was taken at the Halloween carnival. Mark is a Doctor Who something or other (I can't keep up). Braeden is going to a Halloween party tonight at one of his friend's house. He and several of his friends are going as PBS stars. There will be Mr. Rogers and Bill Nye the Science Guy.
Braeden is Bob Ross.
He needs to fluff out his hair more but he's almost got it. Also, you'll be happy to note that I have since ironed that shirt. The boy's in charge of his own laundry now...It's not always pretty.
"I love talking about nothing... It's the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde
Friday, October 31, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Awkward bird
My new job at church is serving with the Young Women, specifically those 14-15 years old. That includes Emma so that's happy. Otherwise, it is so far out of my comfort zone that I should be leaving a trail of bread crumbs to make it back to my comfort zone...
Last night we had a Halloween carnival at the church. Halloween. I don't like it. Luckily none of my current neighbors decorate their yards garishly so that's helped me through the season. I didn't dress up besides wearing a Jack Skellington t-shirt. (Cormac asked me what I was going to be for Halloween and I told him about my t-shirt. It feels like a big festive step for me. Cormac kept asking, "But what are you going to be?" He has a point. I'm kind of lame.)
So everyone else was dressed up and then I realized who I was: awkward new girl who didn't get the memo about Halloween. It went sort of downhill from there. I wasn't in on the planning so I didn't really know what was happening. I tried to help a little but mostly the girls were doing stuff and the leaders were chatting with each other. Except me. Because I don't know anyone and they've all been friends for years. Finally I gave up and sat down and started talking to a little girl that was about 10-11. She was very adamant that she wanted to help with the fish pond. The older girls were in charge of it and I suggested they may let her help and pretty soon she was behind the fish pond. I admired her plus she was rocking her Elsa costume.
As the night wore on, I talked to a few people but I was vastly relieved when it was over and I could make my exit.
Ammon was at our house when I got home. (He was repairing the furnace. It now works. Ammon for president!) I told him about the carnival and he said, "Yeah, I'm the same way."
And I realized he is. Ammon is one of the best people I know (and not just because my furnace is currently running) and if I'm like him then I feel OK about that.
Later I told Adam I was awkward. With his arms around me, which is my favorite place to be, he assured me that I wasn't awkward. He said if I'd been going around breathing in peoples' ears, that would have been awkward.
It is nice to finally have things defined. Now I know where the awkward line is and I can try to avoid it.
I don't know what the point of this is. I guess we all can't and some of us don't. And I should be OK with that because there it is. Also, I may make friends eventually but in the meantime, I still have friends, they just aren't that close by, and we're having a Nevada Day party tonight.
Life can't be bad when you're about to have a Nevada Day party.
Last night we had a Halloween carnival at the church. Halloween. I don't like it. Luckily none of my current neighbors decorate their yards garishly so that's helped me through the season. I didn't dress up besides wearing a Jack Skellington t-shirt. (Cormac asked me what I was going to be for Halloween and I told him about my t-shirt. It feels like a big festive step for me. Cormac kept asking, "But what are you going to be?" He has a point. I'm kind of lame.)
So everyone else was dressed up and then I realized who I was: awkward new girl who didn't get the memo about Halloween. It went sort of downhill from there. I wasn't in on the planning so I didn't really know what was happening. I tried to help a little but mostly the girls were doing stuff and the leaders were chatting with each other. Except me. Because I don't know anyone and they've all been friends for years. Finally I gave up and sat down and started talking to a little girl that was about 10-11. She was very adamant that she wanted to help with the fish pond. The older girls were in charge of it and I suggested they may let her help and pretty soon she was behind the fish pond. I admired her plus she was rocking her Elsa costume.
As the night wore on, I talked to a few people but I was vastly relieved when it was over and I could make my exit.
Ammon was at our house when I got home. (He was repairing the furnace. It now works. Ammon for president!) I told him about the carnival and he said, "Yeah, I'm the same way."
And I realized he is. Ammon is one of the best people I know (and not just because my furnace is currently running) and if I'm like him then I feel OK about that.
Later I told Adam I was awkward. With his arms around me, which is my favorite place to be, he assured me that I wasn't awkward. He said if I'd been going around breathing in peoples' ears, that would have been awkward.
It is nice to finally have things defined. Now I know where the awkward line is and I can try to avoid it.
I don't know what the point of this is. I guess we all can't and some of us don't. And I should be OK with that because there it is. Also, I may make friends eventually but in the meantime, I still have friends, they just aren't that close by, and we're having a Nevada Day party tonight.
Life can't be bad when you're about to have a Nevada Day party.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
I am glad for many things
In November our family--all five of us--are speaking in church. Our topic is gratitude.
We have 40 minutes. I told Emma she could take 35 and the rest of us would take the balance of the time. Actually though, have you met my sons? Talkers. They'd never go for that. Emma wouldn't either.
Anyway, gratitude. It's a topic I like because it's like a tonic that makes me happier.
Here are a few things topping my list lately:
I'm grateful for tiny glimpses that I'll survive the next phase of my life (the phase where my children grow up).
I'm grateful someone found Braeden's wallet (which he'd lost) and turned it in to the school office with nothing missing.
There are so many good people in the world.
(Thank you, good people.)
I'm also grateful my house didn't blow up yesterday. I had wanted to wait until November to turn on the heat, (we have to have goals, you know) but it was cold yesterday. It was still 62 degrees in the house at noon so I caved and turned on the heat. Nothing happened. I fiddled with the thermostat but couldn't make any headway. I turned it off then went to the basement to look at the furnace--intimidate it into working? I don't know what my plan was. In the basement I smelled an overwhelming odor of gas. I threw the windows open and made sure everything was turned off. I tried to call Adam, who was out of town for work, but couldn't reach him. I was contemplating calling the gas company or escaping into the hills with my redhead but I tried to call my dad instead. I didn't get him. Ammon was next on the list--Enoch was going to be after him. Tabor was last choice because he was likely horseback on a mountain somewhere out of cell phone range. Adam called me while I was on the phone with Ammon and then my dad called too. Ammon stopped by in the evening to take care of things. He found a part that was broken on the furnace and we headed off to Home Depot in pursuit of a replacement. How Ammon knows how to find the broken part on a furnace is beyond me. There was no replacement at Home Depot. I told Ammon I'd call a repairman and he insisted they would charge too much and he would find the part somewhere. I don't know if I've ever mentioned it...
...but that Ammon is a good sort.
So I'm grateful I didn't blow up the house and I'm grateful for the men in my life who Know Things and come to my aid. I feel like I have this sturdy safety net and it's a good feeling.
Also there's this view from our deck:
The other night, Braeden said, "Every time I see a sunset, I think I should take a picture! But then I remember, we live here."
I agree. I feel like we should be documenting this stuff.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
That's better
The previous owners of our house had a bright yellow living room.
I'm not altogether opposed to yellow. I had a yellow laundry room in our old house that I quite liked. I'm not even opposed to yellow living rooms. My friend Frances has a beautiful living room with buttery yellow walls that I love.
Maybe this just didn't go with our furniture? I don't know. I just know that every time I walked into that room I felt like I was in the yolk of a hard boiled egg. It's not a pleasant sensation. I painted it Saturday. I'm abysmal at before and after pictures. I usually start painting as soon as I possibly can once I get the idea and I don't think about Before pictures.
Here are some I gathered though...so you could appreciate the yellowness.
This is before I had many accessories in place. And it's a little dark.
Here, I texted Adam a picture of our 12th man flag and you can see a little corner of the yellow:
It made me slightly ill.
I painted the walls the same color as the walls in our old house's living room. I knew I liked that color:
A great side benefit of the work, besides not having my sensibilities assaulted every time I walked in the room, is that our house feels more like Our House now. I have put my stamp on it. It feels nice.
I want to move the chairs into the family room and shuffle all furniture in general. Adam and I are in talks. I'll let you know how it goes. (He usually doesn't have/get much of an opinion on furniture but this scheme of mine involves purchases so he gets a vote.)
Since I was in a painting mood, I also painted some furniture. Painted wood furniture makes my heart sing.
Melanee gave me this desk:
She wanted to sell it and when I expressed interest she gave it to me for the family discount of free.
Braeden's bedroom is sort of Spartan and depressing in general. He doesn't mind because he only sleeps there and switches which clothes are on his body and which are on the floor (I know, but I'm not going to die on that hill. I have other battles to fight). I decided to paint the desk and put it in his room.
I sanded the edges and applied an antique glaze to make it look a little less freshly painted and a little more comfy. I tell you, it's going to take more than this desk to make Braeden's room a showpiece though...
I also painted this console table--here is a Before picture taken from our old house:
And here it is now:
I also roughed it up a little after painting. I don't know why, I just wanted to.
Money and time spent on painting is well spent for me. I feel like I've feathered my nest a little; I feel a little more at home.
I'm not altogether opposed to yellow. I had a yellow laundry room in our old house that I quite liked. I'm not even opposed to yellow living rooms. My friend Frances has a beautiful living room with buttery yellow walls that I love.
Maybe this just didn't go with our furniture? I don't know. I just know that every time I walked into that room I felt like I was in the yolk of a hard boiled egg. It's not a pleasant sensation. I painted it Saturday. I'm abysmal at before and after pictures. I usually start painting as soon as I possibly can once I get the idea and I don't think about Before pictures.
Here are some I gathered though...so you could appreciate the yellowness.
This is before I had many accessories in place. And it's a little dark.
Here, I texted Adam a picture of our 12th man flag and you can see a little corner of the yellow:
It made me slightly ill.
I painted the walls the same color as the walls in our old house's living room. I knew I liked that color:
A great side benefit of the work, besides not having my sensibilities assaulted every time I walked in the room, is that our house feels more like Our House now. I have put my stamp on it. It feels nice.
I want to move the chairs into the family room and shuffle all furniture in general. Adam and I are in talks. I'll let you know how it goes. (He usually doesn't have/get much of an opinion on furniture but this scheme of mine involves purchases so he gets a vote.)
Since I was in a painting mood, I also painted some furniture. Painted wood furniture makes my heart sing.
Melanee gave me this desk:
She wanted to sell it and when I expressed interest she gave it to me for the family discount of free.
Braeden's bedroom is sort of Spartan and depressing in general. He doesn't mind because he only sleeps there and switches which clothes are on his body and which are on the floor (I know, but I'm not going to die on that hill. I have other battles to fight). I decided to paint the desk and put it in his room.
I sanded the edges and applied an antique glaze to make it look a little less freshly painted and a little more comfy. I tell you, it's going to take more than this desk to make Braeden's room a showpiece though...
I also painted this console table--here is a Before picture taken from our old house:
And here it is now:
I also roughed it up a little after painting. I don't know why, I just wanted to.
Money and time spent on painting is well spent for me. I feel like I've feathered my nest a little; I feel a little more at home.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Sad day
You probably heard the news on Friday that there was a school shooting in Marysville, WA. School shootings always make me feel awful. This was worse. It was too close to home. I have a nephew and niece that attend Marysville Pilchuck High School. I've been to football games and swim meets there. It's a nice school in a nice little town. Also, it was close enough to our old school that although they didn't have school that day, the kids that were there for play practice, my kids' friends, were put in lockdown.
I was at the store on Friday when I got a text from Geri telling me about the shooting and that Kain and Raelyn were OK. (I am grateful I didn't hear about the shooting before I knew they were OK.) I started crying right there in Home Depot though. It was too much. I walked to my van to compose myself and meanwhile missed two calls on my cell phone, one from Adam and one from Brian, Kain's dad. I called Adam but didn't get him then called Brian. I had pulled myself together by then but when Brian told me that Kain was still hiding under his desk, I started crying again. (Luckily Adam's brothers, who have seen me cry on occasion, are as unruffled by my tears as Adam is. It must be in their DNA.)
I did not want to picture my nephew hiding under a desk while there was a gunman at his school. I didn't want to picture any child in that setting.
Even though it is strictly forbidden at their school, my phone lit up with texts from my kids. Especially Braeden. He felt terrible. He hugged me long and hard when he got home.
I've read lots of news stories about the shooting. I've read theories on why the boy pulled a gun on his friends and cousins and started shooting. I don't pretend to understand his motives. I don't pretend to know a solution to prevent something like that in the future, except to keep our kids home at all times under lock and key.
We send our children to school every day and we assume they'll be safe. We take it for granted that no harm will come their way.
I am grateful that the tragedy at MPHS was not worse. I'm grateful Kain and Raelyn were safe. My heart is also aching though. I'm sad for those kids and their families whose peaceful lives were terrorized on an otherwise uneventful Friday morning. I am sad for the students who were injured and for those that died. I can't stop thinking about their mothers. I pray for peace and comfort for them.
I was at the store on Friday when I got a text from Geri telling me about the shooting and that Kain and Raelyn were OK. (I am grateful I didn't hear about the shooting before I knew they were OK.) I started crying right there in Home Depot though. It was too much. I walked to my van to compose myself and meanwhile missed two calls on my cell phone, one from Adam and one from Brian, Kain's dad. I called Adam but didn't get him then called Brian. I had pulled myself together by then but when Brian told me that Kain was still hiding under his desk, I started crying again. (Luckily Adam's brothers, who have seen me cry on occasion, are as unruffled by my tears as Adam is. It must be in their DNA.)
I did not want to picture my nephew hiding under a desk while there was a gunman at his school. I didn't want to picture any child in that setting.
Even though it is strictly forbidden at their school, my phone lit up with texts from my kids. Especially Braeden. He felt terrible. He hugged me long and hard when he got home.
I've read lots of news stories about the shooting. I've read theories on why the boy pulled a gun on his friends and cousins and started shooting. I don't pretend to understand his motives. I don't pretend to know a solution to prevent something like that in the future, except to keep our kids home at all times under lock and key.
We send our children to school every day and we assume they'll be safe. We take it for granted that no harm will come their way.
I am grateful that the tragedy at MPHS was not worse. I'm grateful Kain and Raelyn were safe. My heart is also aching though. I'm sad for those kids and their families whose peaceful lives were terrorized on an otherwise uneventful Friday morning. I am sad for the students who were injured and for those that died. I can't stop thinking about their mothers. I pray for peace and comfort for them.
Friday, October 24, 2014
3 things I want to remember about my children today
His friend, Nathan, a certifiably Really Nice Guy, found Braeden at lunch. He said, "Come with me."
Braeden did because he's up for anything. It turns out Braeden was picked for the mission based on his size. There was a girl and boy in some sort of altercation. Like it was a movie, Nathan said, with Big Braeden standing behind him, "Is there a problem here? Is he bothering you?"
The boy and girl both said everything was fine. Nathan said to the girl, "Well if you need us, just yell and we'll come and help you."
Braeden is big but he's the most gentle teddy bear I know. I can't imagine him getting into an actual fight. He has never even really fought with his siblings. I said, "I can't picture you and Nathan doing that. I don't think either of you are all that tough."
Adam said, "That's OK, they are actors, they just had to act tough."
I like the story though. I like teenage boys willing to defend a girl.
When Clarissa was over they raided Braeden's dress up box, contemplating Halloween costumes. In addition to liking that Braeden has a dress up box, I like this picture.
I like the girl too.
He is taking a long distance typing class along with a handful of his cousins, taught by his Grandma Dahl. Every day he puts on headphones while he types. He sings at the top of his lungs, the entire time. He sings Tears for Fears, Queen, The Beatles. Loud. It's possibly one of the best parts of my day.
His friend, Nathan, a certifiably Really Nice Guy, found Braeden at lunch. He said, "Come with me."
Braeden did because he's up for anything. It turns out Braeden was picked for the mission based on his size. There was a girl and boy in some sort of altercation. Like it was a movie, Nathan said, with Big Braeden standing behind him, "Is there a problem here? Is he bothering you?"
The boy and girl both said everything was fine. Nathan said to the girl, "Well if you need us, just yell and we'll come and help you."
Braeden is big but he's the most gentle teddy bear I know. I can't imagine him getting into an actual fight. He has never even really fought with his siblings. I said, "I can't picture you and Nathan doing that. I don't think either of you are all that tough."
Adam said, "That's OK, they are actors, they just had to act tough."
I like the story though. I like teenage boys willing to defend a girl.
When Clarissa was over they raided Braeden's dress up box, contemplating Halloween costumes. In addition to liking that Braeden has a dress up box, I like this picture.
I like the girl too.
He is taking a long distance typing class along with a handful of his cousins, taught by his Grandma Dahl. Every day he puts on headphones while he types. He sings at the top of his lungs, the entire time. He sings Tears for Fears, Queen, The Beatles. Loud. It's possibly one of the best parts of my day.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Cause for celebration
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This picture was taken late afternoon, from our bedroom window. More fall loveliness than my eye can hold. |
Then we signed over our old house. It is bittersweet because it's our house! But now it isn't. It's also a huge relief. Two mortgages don't do anyone any good. It felt wonderful to be able to check that off our list.
When Braeden got home, he did his homework outside on the trampoline in the glorious afternoon. Who needs a desk?
Last night Emma had a choir concert at school. Wowzers. There are a lot of talented choir kids at that school! There were five choirs--three audition choirs--and each choir had at least 40 people in it and the biggest one had over 100. Emma is in the lowest audition choir and they sounded great.
In this picture one of Braeden's friends, Andrea, is conducting the choir. She's a senior and is the intern for the Advanced Women's Choir because she wants to be a choir teacher someday. How great is that?
Here's Emma after the concert. Notice the expertly hemmed dress. No don't. I didn't do that great of a job on it. Luckily I'm not a perfectionist and it isn't that noticeable. Also, why didn't we turn on some lights before snapping the picture?
Clarissa was with us for the concert and joined us for some celebratory pumpkin cake that evening. It was that sort of day.
Pretty great.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Rome wasn't built in a day
Civilizing children. It's an uphill battle. There are all the basic manners: the pleases and thank yous, the don't chew with your mouth open and don't slam the door.
Then there are the subtleties. The things like don't torment people that have accidentally texted you.
When Braeden gets a wrong number text, and it happens more often than you would think, he considers he has struck comedic gold. He loves engaging the person in a conversation and seeing how long he can take it.
When we were at Ammon and Melanee's the other night, someone texted Braeden and asked him if they could stay on Saturday night. It was a 425 number, our old WA area code. Since Braeden has told anyone and everyone they can come and stay with us, I thought it was a real possibility we'd have guests on Saturday. Braeden was excited. He'd welcome anyone from the 425.
Emma was going down her list of contacts, trying to figure out who it could be and then Braeden realized it was a wrong number. That didn't stop him in the least. He carried on a conversation until I made him end it. Some poor woman with sons thought she had sleeping arrangements set up but she was texting an obnoxious teenager in Utah.
Later, I pointed out to Braeden that just like he wouldn't laugh at and mock someone in person who had accidentally done something, he shouldn't mock someone who had accidentally texted his number. I explained it just embarrasses that person when they eventually realize they had the wrong number.
Braeden finally said he agreed with me and he would do better.
Yesterday he texted me: "It was really hard but I did the right thing."
Here's what happened:
I'll call it progress. Jesse from Pilchuck Rentals, it could have been worse. I am trying to civilize this kid.
Then there are the subtleties. The things like don't torment people that have accidentally texted you.
When Braeden gets a wrong number text, and it happens more often than you would think, he considers he has struck comedic gold. He loves engaging the person in a conversation and seeing how long he can take it.
When we were at Ammon and Melanee's the other night, someone texted Braeden and asked him if they could stay on Saturday night. It was a 425 number, our old WA area code. Since Braeden has told anyone and everyone they can come and stay with us, I thought it was a real possibility we'd have guests on Saturday. Braeden was excited. He'd welcome anyone from the 425.
Emma was going down her list of contacts, trying to figure out who it could be and then Braeden realized it was a wrong number. That didn't stop him in the least. He carried on a conversation until I made him end it. Some poor woman with sons thought she had sleeping arrangements set up but she was texting an obnoxious teenager in Utah.
Later, I pointed out to Braeden that just like he wouldn't laugh at and mock someone in person who had accidentally done something, he shouldn't mock someone who had accidentally texted his number. I explained it just embarrasses that person when they eventually realize they had the wrong number.
Braeden finally said he agreed with me and he would do better.
Yesterday he texted me: "It was really hard but I did the right thing."
Here's what happened:
I'll call it progress. Jesse from Pilchuck Rentals, it could have been worse. I am trying to civilize this kid.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Something about being gone on a trip resets a homesickness button inside me. We love our new home, all our stuff is here, and we live here. But sometimes, I want my old home. I knew I'd miss people when we moved, and I do, a lot. I didn't realize I would miss my house.
So yesterday I felt a little sad. I want to take a walk with my friends and just catch up. It's been so long. Facebook made me miss my old community. Seeing things about Glacier Peak High School tug at my heart.
I remembered we were going to go to Ammon and Melanee's to celebrate Cormac's birthday though. That cheered me up.
You can't be uncheered by a five-year-old's birthday, complete with dinosaur cake.
Last night when we were home, Mark said our prayer (we're back to praying together, not just on roller coasters). In his prayer, he said he was grateful for Cormac. Then he said, "We are thankful that Ammon and Melanee are in our lives when we have hardships, like moving."
It was very sweet, as most of Mark's prayers are, but it was also a little poignant. Mark is in the midst of a "hardship" and we're all there together.
But we have Ammon and Melanee. That is worth a lot. Ammon, of course, is my perfect brother. He is funny and kind and amiable and helpful and capable. Throw in proximity and what else could I want? (I guess I want Enoch and Tabor that close too.) It is also wonderful to be around Melanee. We walk together most days and talk about the minutiae and dailiness of things but we also talk about interesting topics of all varieties and I'm very grateful to have Melanee and the opportunity to get to know her better.
And then those cute kids! We all love them. They dazzle us with their vast imagination and general cuteness. They make us feel loved.
Ammon, Melanee, Cormac, Azure...they are nice to have when we have hardships, like moving.
So yesterday I felt a little sad. I want to take a walk with my friends and just catch up. It's been so long. Facebook made me miss my old community. Seeing things about Glacier Peak High School tug at my heart.
I remembered we were going to go to Ammon and Melanee's to celebrate Cormac's birthday though. That cheered me up.
You can't be uncheered by a five-year-old's birthday, complete with dinosaur cake.
Last night when we were home, Mark said our prayer (we're back to praying together, not just on roller coasters). In his prayer, he said he was grateful for Cormac. Then he said, "We are thankful that Ammon and Melanee are in our lives when we have hardships, like moving."
It was very sweet, as most of Mark's prayers are, but it was also a little poignant. Mark is in the midst of a "hardship" and we're all there together.
But we have Ammon and Melanee. That is worth a lot. Ammon, of course, is my perfect brother. He is funny and kind and amiable and helpful and capable. Throw in proximity and what else could I want? (I guess I want Enoch and Tabor that close too.) It is also wonderful to be around Melanee. We walk together most days and talk about the minutiae and dailiness of things but we also talk about interesting topics of all varieties and I'm very grateful to have Melanee and the opportunity to get to know her better.
And then those cute kids! We all love them. They dazzle us with their vast imagination and general cuteness. They make us feel loved.
Ammon, Melanee, Cormac, Azure...they are nice to have when we have hardships, like moving.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Disneyland 2014
I think we will make this our Christmas card picture. It's not every day my hair looks that excellent. Also, what is Emma doing. Not looking where she is driving, apparently. The guy by Braeden was a random stranger they put in our car. Here are two facts about him. 1) He was a man. 2) He was wearing mascara.
And that's all I know.
We won the race!
This is a sun washed picture from a delicious lunch we had that ended up costing a lot more than we thought it was going to. But it was really good.
There were a whole lot of pictures taken for entertainment value while waiting in lines:
Some posed:
Some perplexing and unexplainable:
Some blurry:
And some just awesome:
Here are Braeden and Emma on Splash Mountain. They were both going to pose like that but Braeden felt too much compulsion to hang on.
Here they tried again. It's easier on Pirates of the Caribbean:
We rode the Grizzly River Run four times. (Adam and Mark rode it five.) I got drenched! So wet that people around the park would sort of snicker when I walked by. I wasn't the only one and we didn't get any pictures of how soaked we were, but here I am, attempting to blow dry my hair:
Here is where the kids went around again and I sat it out because I get too dizzy:
Speaking of dizzy, I snapped a picture before leaving the scene of the Tea Cups.
And just because, here's the first time we took our kids to Disneyland:
Here's another then and now:
She didn't have a cell phone that first time but otherwise, same little Emma.
Something else that doesn't change: boys and their light sabers. The boys built their own custom light sabers (which took awhile...you can't rush this creative process). They made it to the parking lot before they had a full battle.
And then we made them stop.
We dragged ourselves back to our hotel every night. One morning we were talking about how we'd forgotten to say our family prayer before bedtime because we were so tired. Mark said, "Well I prayed yesterday. On roller coasters."
We had a wonderful time. Of course we did, it was Disneyland. It was exhausting and more crowded than we would have liked...more crowded than it's ever been when we were there.
But it was Disneyland. I loved being there with my people. They are fun to be with. They are kind and pleasant and make me laugh. I'm glad we were able to join everyone else in Utah and go to Disneyland together. (Seriously, there were BYU and University of Utah t-shirts everywhere!)
When we left Disneyland the last night, Braeden said, "Well, that's the last time I'll ever go there for free."
Adam clapped him on the shoulder and said, "Yep."
Good luck, boy.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Viva Las Vegas
We were in Las Vegas at about dinner time. We decided to seek out a Safeway/Von's. We miss Safeway. Our phones brought up several options but then I was too carsick to be of any help. It is no good when your navigator gets carsick when trying to read something. Kind of useless.
We pulled off the freeway and Adam found a close Von's. What Google Maps fails to mention is the neighborhood Von's is in...
We were a few blocks off the strip and when I noticed bars on the windows of businesses and hotel rooms and apartment buildings, I told Adam it may not be a good place to be.
Adam said, "We'll be fine." Because that's what he always says.
We got to Von's and I told the kids to Stay Together. We walked past the metal detectors and then past the armed security guard and one way gate over to the deli that was surreal because it was like the Safeway in Silver Firs...although that Safeway doesn't have metal detectors or an armed security guard or a one way gate.
We got some of our favorites--maple cookies for example. Braeden had wandered off in search of a bathroom and the rest of us needed to go too. Adam said, "Here, give me the food and I'll go pay."
I handed stuff to Braeden too. "You go too and help Dad carry stuff," I said.
"No," Adam said firmly, "I got it." Then he looked at Braeden and said, "Stay with them."
It was the first time I realized Adam was a little nervous about it all too.
In the bathroom, there was a generously proportioned women in a too tight neon pink tank top splashing water from the sink all over the body. "My son has sticky hands," she said by way of explanation. I smiled because I understand about sons and sticky hands. There wasn't really anything I could add to her statement though because in all my experience with sticky handed children, I've never had to splash water all over my body. Those were some sticky hands!
Next door was a Little Caesar's pizza and that's what Braeden and Mark wanted for dinner. Adam started to go inside and the boys followed him because that's what they do. Again Adam stopped Braeden. "Stay with them," he said urgently.
"Can't we just go to the car?" Emma wondered. Every cell of her body, like mine, was on high alert.
"No," Adam said. "Stay here." I think he wanted us where he could see us.
I stood close to Braeden, appreciating every bit of his 75 inches and glad for his broad back. There was a guy close by, smoking and watching us, a few people across the parking lot, also watching, and another security guard pacing nearby. I told Braeden to look intimidating. That's not really him though. He's the kid that lets spiders and bugs go outside rather than killing them.
Adam and Mark emerged with the pizza and we high tailed it for the van.
We were all mostly glad to still be alive. And I don't think we'll ever go back there. We didn't leave anything behind...
We pulled off the freeway and Adam found a close Von's. What Google Maps fails to mention is the neighborhood Von's is in...
We were a few blocks off the strip and when I noticed bars on the windows of businesses and hotel rooms and apartment buildings, I told Adam it may not be a good place to be.
Adam said, "We'll be fine." Because that's what he always says.
We got to Von's and I told the kids to Stay Together. We walked past the metal detectors and then past the armed security guard and one way gate over to the deli that was surreal because it was like the Safeway in Silver Firs...although that Safeway doesn't have metal detectors or an armed security guard or a one way gate.
We got some of our favorites--maple cookies for example. Braeden had wandered off in search of a bathroom and the rest of us needed to go too. Adam said, "Here, give me the food and I'll go pay."
I handed stuff to Braeden too. "You go too and help Dad carry stuff," I said.
"No," Adam said firmly, "I got it." Then he looked at Braeden and said, "Stay with them."
It was the first time I realized Adam was a little nervous about it all too.
In the bathroom, there was a generously proportioned women in a too tight neon pink tank top splashing water from the sink all over the body. "My son has sticky hands," she said by way of explanation. I smiled because I understand about sons and sticky hands. There wasn't really anything I could add to her statement though because in all my experience with sticky handed children, I've never had to splash water all over my body. Those were some sticky hands!
Next door was a Little Caesar's pizza and that's what Braeden and Mark wanted for dinner. Adam started to go inside and the boys followed him because that's what they do. Again Adam stopped Braeden. "Stay with them," he said urgently.
"Can't we just go to the car?" Emma wondered. Every cell of her body, like mine, was on high alert.
"No," Adam said. "Stay here." I think he wanted us where he could see us.
I stood close to Braeden, appreciating every bit of his 75 inches and glad for his broad back. There was a guy close by, smoking and watching us, a few people across the parking lot, also watching, and another security guard pacing nearby. I told Braeden to look intimidating. That's not really him though. He's the kid that lets spiders and bugs go outside rather than killing them.
Adam and Mark emerged with the pizza and we high tailed it for the van.
We were all mostly glad to still be alive. And I don't think we'll ever go back there. We didn't leave anything behind...
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Memory lane--TV style
I can't remember how it began, but a few nights ago found us watching clips from Arthur. Arthur was one of my favorite shows that our kids used to watch. I remember sweeping the kitchen floor and laughing while they watched.
Mark left the room.
He has zero interest in childhood TV shows--mostly because he had zero interest when he was a little kid too. I tried very hard to get him interested in PBS while I was homeschooling Braeden and Emma and he would have nothing to do with it. He would rather terrorize us, sort of a stick with what you know situation. (He's since gotten over it. He'll watch Netflix now with the best of them.)
Last night we were talking about revisiting Arthur and decided we would look up all the old shows they used to watch that we could remember. (Adam can't be blamed for this scheme. He was working late in anticipation for our trip.)
We started with Barney. Because you sort of have to. We made Mark come and watch with us. "Fine," he said with resignation. Why wasn't he so compliant when he was three?
Braeden and Emma were deciding what to watch and someone said, "The castle one!" and Braeden googled it and there it was, "Barney's Magical Musical Adventure."
The acting was as painful to watch as that picture is blurry. If you had kids in the late 90s, you know these kids as well as I did: Adam, Min, Tina and Michael. ("What was Michael, twelve?" Braeden wanted to know.)
"Tina was my first love," Braeden said. Then he and Emma reminisced about Braeden's imaginary friend named Tina and his stuffed animal named Tina. I maintained that Min was cuter than Tina. Braeden said, "I think Tina is why short brunettes are my type."
You can't make this stuff up.
We were watching the "magic" unfold. It was pretty terrible in a wonderful Mystery Science 3000 sort of way. Braeden got fidgety and said, "This was a scary part...I feel dread building."
Emma agreed. This character was about to enter the scene.
Mark was watching, mystified. "Why are you creeped out?" he asked.
"It's coming," Braeden said. Then he stopped the video. "I can't do it!" he said. All this time I had no idea.
Our next set of clips was Blues Clues. Braeden and Emma were unreasonably happy watching the opening theme song. They both had these Christmas morning worthy smiles on their faces. We watched for a few minutes, bemoaning the fact that Steve went to college and it was never as good after Joe took over. "Wait, what?" Mark asked, "Steve quit?" (Mark had watched some Blues Clues. I had some of the old ones recorded on a video tape, the good ones, with Steve.)
After awhile Braeden said, "He's a lonely man in front of a green screen. It just occurred to me. No wonder he quit."
We watched a few minutes from a whole collection of shows ranging from really weird (Boobah) to really ludicrous (Big Comfy Couch). We couldn't stomach much. They wanted to revisit Caillou which was against my better judgement because I hated that whiny kid. Braeden was typing it into the search box and Emma was correcting his spelling (why Emma knows how to spell Caillou is beyond me.)
Braeden said, "That's how you spell Caillou?!? See? This is why I can't spell."
We kept going down the list, mostly just watching theme songs. Emma put the brakes on for Berenstain Bears. "We have to watch the hiccup one," she said, "I still think of it every time I have hiccups."
I do not remember the Berenstain Bears being as stupid as it was. I probably left the room whenever they watched, saving the sweeping for later. What kind of bad mother was I to leave my children to such drivel? A tired and busy one...
We couldn't keep watching. Sorry Emma. You'll just have to hang onto those hiccup memories.
Adam got home and added things to the list like Greatest American Hero from his childhood which I had never seen. (We didn't get a lot of channels when I was growing up.) We watched Richard Simmons on Letterman. (Oh my.) We even watched a little of Captain Kangaroo. I used to watch that in the morning after Marianne left on the bus. Good times.
Finally we watched Homestar Runner. You really can't have enough Teen Girl Squad or Strong Bad Emails in life.
The moral to this story?
You can find anything online. Also, the shared memories I have with my family, even the lame kids' show memories, are pretty delightful.
Mark left the room.
He has zero interest in childhood TV shows--mostly because he had zero interest when he was a little kid too. I tried very hard to get him interested in PBS while I was homeschooling Braeden and Emma and he would have nothing to do with it. He would rather terrorize us, sort of a stick with what you know situation. (He's since gotten over it. He'll watch Netflix now with the best of them.)
Last night we were talking about revisiting Arthur and decided we would look up all the old shows they used to watch that we could remember. (Adam can't be blamed for this scheme. He was working late in anticipation for our trip.)
We started with Barney. Because you sort of have to. We made Mark come and watch with us. "Fine," he said with resignation. Why wasn't he so compliant when he was three?
Braeden and Emma were deciding what to watch and someone said, "The castle one!" and Braeden googled it and there it was, "Barney's Magical Musical Adventure."
The acting was as painful to watch as that picture is blurry. If you had kids in the late 90s, you know these kids as well as I did: Adam, Min, Tina and Michael. ("What was Michael, twelve?" Braeden wanted to know.)
"Tina was my first love," Braeden said. Then he and Emma reminisced about Braeden's imaginary friend named Tina and his stuffed animal named Tina. I maintained that Min was cuter than Tina. Braeden said, "I think Tina is why short brunettes are my type."
You can't make this stuff up.
We were watching the "magic" unfold. It was pretty terrible in a wonderful Mystery Science 3000 sort of way. Braeden got fidgety and said, "This was a scary part...I feel dread building."
Emma agreed. This character was about to enter the scene.
Mark was watching, mystified. "Why are you creeped out?" he asked.
"It's coming," Braeden said. Then he stopped the video. "I can't do it!" he said. All this time I had no idea.
Our next set of clips was Blues Clues. Braeden and Emma were unreasonably happy watching the opening theme song. They both had these Christmas morning worthy smiles on their faces. We watched for a few minutes, bemoaning the fact that Steve went to college and it was never as good after Joe took over. "Wait, what?" Mark asked, "Steve quit?" (Mark had watched some Blues Clues. I had some of the old ones recorded on a video tape, the good ones, with Steve.)
After awhile Braeden said, "He's a lonely man in front of a green screen. It just occurred to me. No wonder he quit."
We watched a few minutes from a whole collection of shows ranging from really weird (Boobah) to really ludicrous (Big Comfy Couch). We couldn't stomach much. They wanted to revisit Caillou which was against my better judgement because I hated that whiny kid. Braeden was typing it into the search box and Emma was correcting his spelling (why Emma knows how to spell Caillou is beyond me.)
Braeden said, "That's how you spell Caillou?!? See? This is why I can't spell."
We kept going down the list, mostly just watching theme songs. Emma put the brakes on for Berenstain Bears. "We have to watch the hiccup one," she said, "I still think of it every time I have hiccups."
I do not remember the Berenstain Bears being as stupid as it was. I probably left the room whenever they watched, saving the sweeping for later. What kind of bad mother was I to leave my children to such drivel? A tired and busy one...
We couldn't keep watching. Sorry Emma. You'll just have to hang onto those hiccup memories.
Adam got home and added things to the list like Greatest American Hero from his childhood which I had never seen. (We didn't get a lot of channels when I was growing up.) We watched Richard Simmons on Letterman. (Oh my.) We even watched a little of Captain Kangaroo. I used to watch that in the morning after Marianne left on the bus. Good times.
Finally we watched Homestar Runner. You really can't have enough Teen Girl Squad or Strong Bad Emails in life.
The moral to this story?
You can find anything online. Also, the shared memories I have with my family, even the lame kids' show memories, are pretty delightful.
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