
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

If you can't beat them, join them

It all started about a year ago with one of those Disneyland ads about the finite number of vacations you have with your kids before they're grown.  "We have to go to Disneyland!" I told Adam, because those ads were marketing to people like me and hit their mark.

Adam was reticent.  As usual.  That man is even keeled and practical and not swayed by manipulative Disney commercials.

I had been doggedly saving money for a dream East coast trip for our family, to take during spring break this year.  That's not happening because Braeden has drama commitments then.

I was looking at the school calendar and decided we should used the saved vacation money and go to Disneyland during Fall Break.  Perfect!  I looked at the Disneyland website and read that mid October was a good time to go to Disneyland as far as crowds were concerned.  Adam was even on board! (He doesn't want to go to Disneyland when it is really busy.)  We booked our tickets and remained noncommittal when Mark talked about all the souvenirs he wanted us to buy for him.

Then Adam looked into hotels.

There weren't any available close to Disneyland.

"Are you sure this is a good time?" he asked me several times.

"Yes!  The Disneyland website said it was!"  (If you can't trust the Disneyland website who can you trust?)

In the last week, from multiple sources I've heard that UEA (Utah Educators Association), which used to be what Fall Break was known as because that was when they would meet, was called Utah's Exodus to Anaheim.  Because everyone, apparently, goes to Disneyland.


We'll fit in (our van is now sporting UT plates)?  We'll be in good company?  We can all sing the Utah state song while we wait in line?

(I don't know the Utah state song.  Is there time to learn it?)

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

Did you find lodging? Edgar has some cousins in Anaheim. Would you like to bunk with them?


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