
Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Another night another concert

Mark's choir concert was last night.

Pleasant Grove High School choir concerts are the hottest ticket in town (except I wish they sold tickets).  There's no way everyone's getting in.  I decided it would be smart to stay when I dropped Mark off at 6:00.  Other parents had the same idea but they didn't open the doors until 6:30.  The principal was there, shepherding people around and trying to get us to line up.  There were lots of tense and aggressive parents jockeying for position.

I was just hoping to get there early, find a seat and read my book.

I texted about the situation and Braeden texted back:

So I felt like I had a mandate to hold my position.

They finally opened the doors and the mad dash was on.  They told us not to save seats but literally everyone (including me) was saving seats.  Later, when they weren't letting anyone else in, they said, "If you have a seat saved, text that person so they can tell the people at the door to let them in because they have a seat."

So it was don't-save-seats-but-we-know-everyone-saved-seats situation.

I was exhausted by the time the concert started.

It was a Halloween concert, which isn't my favorite (or even in the top ten).

I did, however, enjoy the Men's Choir.

Here they are singing "Grim Grinning Ghosts."

They sang "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" and had two fiddlers come and play which was pretty awesome.  Here they are with hats donned for the song:

About this time, a man directly in front of me held up his cell phone (in front of my face) to video the song.  I hadn't said anything when he clambered in 45 minutes late in the middle of a song.  I hadn't said anything when he pulled out a sandwich and started munching it.  I hadn't said anything when he was loudly crinkling his water bottle.  (There are big signs outside the auditorium that read NO FOOD OR DRINK.)

But when he put his phone in front of my face, World's Okayest Mom did become World's Craziest.  I grabbed his arm and said, "I can't see."

He looked shocked.

And lowered his arm.

My very favorite part of the whole concert was when the Women's Choir sang, "I'm in Love with a Monster" and the Men's Choir answered with "We May Not Be Vampires (But We're Still Men!)."

It was a hilarious song and they nailed it.

Here they are singing their final song.  I can't remember the name....

I love how serious Mark looks.

After, we went to Kneader's.  Braeden and Emma said they knew the guy working at the counter.  "He's Vanessa's friend Ben, so he's our friend," Braeden said.

They chatted with him, we ordered, then he brought us an extra chocolate croissant.  He said, "We have extra breakfast pastries."

The takeaway is that it pays to know Vanessa's friends.

It made me happy to watch Mark and it made me happy that he had a good time performing.  He's not 100% sold on being in choir but he does like to sing.

And I like to watch him (so much so that I'll grab the arm of the indecorous lout in front of me if necessary).

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

Good work--teaching concert etiquette one person at a time.


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