
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Fall break part 3

the Star Valley, WY temple in the daylight

When we got home Friday night, Adam asked me if I thought my pioneer ancestors would have been surprised about where I'd been that day and what I'd seen.

At first I thought he meant because we were able to traverse mountains so easily, but he said, "Think of all the temples and tabernacles we passed."

And when I thought about it, it was pretty astounding and I think my pioneer ancestors would have been shocked.

Between Afton, WY and our house, we passed ten temples (and then Saturday morning we went to the Provo temple with Braeden and that wasn't even one of the ten).


We took a somewhat circuitous route and went through Montpelier, ID and Paris, ID.  Were these places settled by French people?  I don't know.  They are little towns of a couple hundred people each with big churches and tabernacles.

It was a beautiful little spot.  There was an elementary school across the street behind the tabernacle.  It wouldn't be a bad sight to see at recess every day.

We drove by Bear Lake and went to Logan.  I had also never been to Logan.  I've never met anyone who has been to Logan that doesn't say, "I love Logan!" when you ask them about it.

And it is.  Hurray for Logan!  We went to USU that seemed like a ghost town until Adam asked someone and we learned that state schools in Utah get fall break too!  Who knew?  (I mean besides everyone who goes to state schools.)  It was a beautiful campus.  It reminded me a little bit of BYU, just a slightly smaller version.

Here Mark and I are on the edge of the old part of campus.

My Grandpa Jaynes went to USU and my mom told me he liked the restaurant The Bluebird.  So we decided to go.  It was in a neat old building and I loved the history of the place.  (And the food was good too.)

Our next stop was the Logan Tabernacle.  Adam took these pretty pictures.

It reminded me of what the Provo Tabernacle used to be like.  A lady was inside playing the organ  which was nice to listen to for a few minutes and when I wandered around looking for a bathroom, I happened upon a very retro baptismal font.  I love old buildings.

Here's a picture I took of the tabernacle with a close up of one of the red bushes outside.  I need red bushes in my life.

Adam went after the car and Mark and I walked up the hill to the Logan Temple.  It was worth the trek.

We drove home and were happy to see our own beds.


I keep thinking about my pioneer ancestors.  I wonder if they are satisfied with what I'm doing with all I've been given.

I want to live up to the sacrifices made in my behalf.

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