
Thursday, October 12, 2023

A million chances

Yesterday one of my students quietly told me, "My parents got divorced yesterday."

How I am supposed to respond in the face of news that knocks the breath out of me while I'm in the middle of passing out papers to fidgeting 8 and 9 year olds is beyond me.

I asked, "How do you feel about that?"

He looked at me for a few seconds and then shrugged and said, "Well, I'm still me."

That also kind of knocked the breath out of me.  It was so profound and true!  

Can I hold onto the lessons I learn every day and internalize them?  Can I be like this sturdy child and gather resilience about me because I'm still me?

Can I also get better?  I want to still be me, but also a better version of me.

Yesterday I was listening to the Follow Him podcast while I drove home and they mentioned something about giving people "a million chances."

Yes! I thought.  Let that be me!  I want to give people a million chances.

Then I saw a text message from a mother who told me she wouldn't be able to come to Parent Teacher Conferences because she was too busy.

I felt irked.

I really (really!) need to talk to her.  Her son is struggling and pretty much headed for disaster and I want to help and see what we can do.  He is in crisis and she is too busy?!?

Then I remembered my resolve only minutes earlier to give people a million chances.


I dropped that ball.  I don't know her life.  I don't know the pressures she has and I don't know how stretched she is.  She is probably doing the best she can and I need to show her some grace.  I'm almost always nice on the outside and too often judge-y on the inside.

I am grateful I have a million chances to try to improve.  I need every one of them.


Olivia Cobian said...

Great post! This makes me want to be better. Also, my heart aches for your little student whose parents are divorcing. I'm glad she has you!

Marianne said...

I love this!

Marianne said...

Olivia, that child is a he not a she!

Mark Dahl said...

I love this post, Thelma and I love it that there are loving, caring teachers in the world like you to help these kids with their problems.

Clarissa Johnson said...

I love that so much! I need to remember to love my students even when they struggle. I want to give them a million chances. Thanks for being such a great example.


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