
Wednesday, October 4, 2023

YEN--movie night

It was movie night even though we didn't watch any movies.

Adam and I were the hosts this month.  I set the table (and took a picture).

One appreciative guest asked, "Are those real apples."

I said "Yes," and also, "You are really easy to impress."  Those are the best kinds of people though.  It was serendipity that I bought the apples randomly to maybe put on the table and I somehow got the exact amount of each to alternate them.

We gave the assignment that everyone was supposed to bring some food inspired by a movie, then we were all supposed to guess which movie the food was from.  It was a lot of fun and made for the most bizarre menu.

Adam prepared Chicago dogs (While You Were Sleeping) and it was mostly an excuse for him to recreate what he'd eaten two weeks before in Chicago.  (Speaking of Adam traveling, Dave asked me, "Now Adam is going out of town tomorrow?"  I said maybe?  Dave knows Adam's schedule more than I do, but Adam knows Dave's more than Nola does.  Also, in related news, Adam went to Phoenix yesterday....)

I made spinach puffs (The Emperor's New Groove) and I was sure going to make a bundt cake (My Big Fat Greek Wedding), but I ended up buying one instead.  Everyone thought it was really good and I said I would pass the compliments along to Winco.

We also had tots (Napoleon Dynamite) that were from The Purple Turtle, which everyone was happy about.  We had pizza in boxes decorated like the pizza boxes in Home Alone, spaghetti and meatballs (Lady and the Tramp), apple pie (When Harry Met Sally--most of us hadn't seen it so that was a hard one).  Shannon didn't have a movie idea or time to make anything so I told her to bring chips.  I not only embrace the low bar lifestyle, but I urge others to do the same.

On second thought I should have asked her to bring carrot sticks or something remotely healthy, but no one suffered.

I took a quick picture before everyone dug in.  It doesn't really show everything all that well, but you get the idea.

We gave Qwixx to the person who got the most correct and said they needed to watch fewer movies and play a game once in awhile.

Second place got movie popcorn.

We had a good time.  I like our little YEN group.  We have lively conversations across the table and we are pulling for each other and each others' children and that feels pretty great.


Marianne said...

That's delightful!

Olivia Cobian said...

You Davises sure know how to have fun!


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