
Friday, August 10, 2018

Grateful Friday

Emma came home from work smiling the other night.  She'd been given a promotion and is now a head usher.

Adam snapped a picture and texted it to Fam-a-lam:

Adam purposefully set Emma up for a joke from Corner Gas which no one except our family and a few Canadians would probably understand.


The other night at dinner, I told Mark to have some vegetables.

He said, "This chicken identifies as a vegetable."

The good news is that kid makes me laugh.  The bad news is that he knows it!  I did get him to eat one cucumber slice.  One.  Small victories.


Another night for dinner we were having BLTs.  Also guacamole and chips.  Emma put some guacamole on her sandwich then handed it to me.  "I'm not playing," she said.

So what else could I do?  I tried it too.  It was REALLY good.  Mark said maybe adding the A (for avocado) to a BLT would make it a BLAT.  Emma said, "No, it's a BLT.  It's been there all along."


Jennifer gave me a hot tip about a used book sale in Springville.  Mark and I made out way there, through the smoke.  The further south we got the murkier the skies became.  The book sale was hot and smoky and crowded with crying children and women pushing enormous strollers.  None of the books were in any semblance of order.  It was really chaotic.

But...Mark and I made out like bandits.

The thing about Mark is that he usually isn't interested in reading so when he wanted all the Tom Clancy books he could find, I bought them for him.  Braeden and Emma recognize the unfairness in this system but there it is.


Tomorrow morning we pick up Braeden and we are heading out on a road trip!  Road trips are my favorite.  So is soaking up the last bits of summer.  When we get back it is back to school and I start my new job and a few weeks later Braeden and Emma will go back to BYU.

Looking back on this summer makes me happy.  It's been more busy than some summers with our mini trips and working children.  There never seem to be enough nights on the deck.

I'm grateful for our life together though.  I enjoy these people, whether or not we get enough time watching sunsets on the deck.

Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. 
Robert Brault

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