
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

What a world

Isn't it disarming when you see a comment on a Facebook post and realize that two people that you know from two completely different parts of your life (and different parts of the country) know each other?  That happened to me today.

It's a small world after all.


It's also a cold world.

I know I was hot last summer.  I know it.  I just can't remember.

Yesterday, when it was 17 degrees and I was standing on my corner doing traffic duty, I tried to remember being hot.

I couldn't even remember being warm.

I ordered more base layers from Amazon because I can't live like this.


That is our backyard and those are 100% animal footprints.  It seems like they're maybe having midnight parties out there.  I notice they're avoiding the trampoline though.  A few years ago, a deer ventured onto the trampoline and I'm sure that was a party.


I read this:
Ships don’t sink because of the water around them; ships sink because of the water that gets in them. Don’t let what’s happening around you get inside you and weigh you down.
I love it and it gave me encouragement after a sort of disastrous session with some third graders and their writing.

I think it could give me encouragement in lots of parts of my life.


My heart has been breaking thinking of a BYU student who attempted suicide a few days ago.  I keep thinking about it and thinking about the people I interact with and the fact that I don't know what they're going through on the inside.  We never do.

Yesterday, Elder Bednar was already scheduled to speak to the students for a BYU Devotional.  What a blessing to have him address a shaken student body.  Braeden told me about it and I cried, then I told Olivia about it and we both cried (then I told Adam and Mark and cried some more).

It is wonderful to have apostles of Jesus Christ amongst us to comfort and give wisdom.

When tragedy strikes and the only true place to turn for peace is the Prince of Peace, it really makes me appreciate this Christmas season all the more.

I'm grateful for the Light of the world that is an unending source of goodness and light.  The gospel of Jesus Christ bring reassurance to my life.

A weary world rejoices.


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