
Friday, April 12, 2019

Grateful Friday

Two things happened yesterday:

1) I got an email informing me that it is official and I am now a licensed teacher.  It wasn't exactly a surprise because I had turned in all the necessary documentation and requirements but still, it feels really nice to have that all done!

2) I realized I wouldn't change a thing.

I have had a few interviews (that didn't result in jobs) and I've received other rejection emails without even getting an interview (I think they're mostly shifting teachers around in house at this point).  It has been a little discouraging.  At one interview I was asked about my experience with RTI.  I had no idea what that was.  Education is one of those places that loves a good acronym.  I don't know all the acronyms though because I've been out of the game.

I have since learned that RTI is response to intervention.  That is literally all I do at my job now.  I absolutely know what it is.  I just didn't know that I knew what it was....

Back to I realized I wouldn't change a thing, I wouldn't.

I am not always in the know or familiar with the acronyms and current jargon because I chose to stay home with my kids.  I had the luxury and complete blessing to be a full time mother (and to homeschool).  If that makes it harder for me to get a job now, I will accept that as a consequence of my choice.

It was worth it.


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