
Friday, June 23, 2023

Grateful Friday

Today Adam and I are heading to Nevada, after he has several work meetings.  We are going so we can do exciting things like wash windows, repair screens (we'll try), clean the porch, mow.

It occurs to me that maybe we are a little crazy to have taken on two sets of chores.  This is the life we've chosen though and I'm grateful for it.  I created a Snapfish book about the fire that destroyed my grandparents' house and the house they rebuilt.  When I think about the legacy they left that I want to carry on, the house doesn't seem like the main part of it (their lives were the legacy), but it is part of it.  I love that spot.  It feels like an uphill climb as we are getting it up and running, but I think eventually it will become more maintenance and less recovery.

And I'm grateful to get to spend some time with Adam.  

I'm grateful that since I'm home and Mark is working from home, we can eat lunch together every day.  He has a lunch break from 12:45-1:15 and I have it ready to go so we can sit and chat and I love it.  Also, I made one of his favorite recipes last night:  sausage sandwich squares.  They are basically a pizza with a top crust too.  I made gluten free pizza dough and it felt very high stakes because I wanted to get it right.  Much like everything gluten free, it was...OK at best.  I think there are things I could do to improve it.  Making something Mark hasn't had for a few years and watching him smile when he takes the first bite is worth a lot to me.

I was given my friend Michelle as a ministering assignment.  It's the kind of assignment that you think, "Oh good."  I visited her yesterday and it was so nice.  We talked and it very quickly became very real.  We shared our vulnerabilities and tears and she said really helpful things that I needed to hear and I hope I was able to help her a little bit too. 

It's a far cry from some ministering assignments I've had where I am kind of at loose ends to know what I can do to get close to someone that seems like I'm hassling them when I ask.  I thought, this is the point though.  If we can connect with each other enough that it feels helpful and enriching to visit each other, that is the point.  I was grateful for a glimpse of what to keep working towards.

It's nice that none of us are done improving.

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