
Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Slow and easy summer

My thoughts are with my poor sisters at girls' camp this week.  As if camping weren't miserable enough, there is a FREEZE ALERT there.  The high yesterday was in the 50s.  

I, on the other hand, have been living the easy summer life.

I've been doing my little projects.  Reading this, organizing that.  Because it was Juneteenth on Monday, Emma and Mark didn't have to work.  We took a walk along the Provo River.  Emma wanted more than anything to jump in and swim.  

I don't understand how my children just want to swim any time they see a body of water and they don't understand why I don't just want to swim any time I see a body of water.

We had lunch and were going to go scope out Mark's new apartment he'll move to in August.

I said, "First I have to deliver a statue to Liberty."

And that delighted me to say.

It was more of a figurine than a statue, but how could I miss saying a statue for Liberty?  Years ago, I had given my grandma a figurine of a mother and daughter and the daughter was holding a violin.  I got it back because anything you had gifted my grandma with, you got back.  I decided to give it to Liberty, my favorite violin player.

Mark's new apartment is wonderfully close to Delawarde. Delawarde itself is something of a wonder.  Adam and I lived there, Marianne and Robert lived there, Anna's parents Mark and Amy lived there, Braeden and Anna lived there and now Liberty and Nikki live there. 

I think it is basically QE's destiny to end up there someday.

After we located Mark's apartment, we parted ways and Emma and Mark went swimming at the Provo Rec center and I went home.

Monday night I went to YEN without Adam which felt a little awkward for a couples group, but when I got there it wasn't awkward at all because they are my friends.

Yesterday we got our piano tuned.  Emma had the idea to give that to Adam for Father's Day.  Adam doesn't play the piano, but he loves it when Emma does and he wanted it tuned.  Trust Emma to know the perfect gift for her dad.

In the afternoon Nola and I went to Elemental at Water Gardens.  It was impressive just like all Pixar movies, but not as magical as a lot of Pixar movies.  Still.  $5 Tuesday. 

Since I wasn't home on Monday, Mark and I had Meal Matrix Monday on Tuesday.  He chose the menu and made pesto pasta with chicken.  I sat at the counter and chatted with him, answering a couple of questions, but he made everything himself.  We had a scale for assessing the meal--ease, time, cost, nutritional value, taste.  We are nothing if not lovers of rating things.

It checked all the boxes so after dinner we each got five M and M's.  Don't think we are not taking this job very seriously.

We read a chapter in the Book of Mormon and prayed together and then the two introverts went their separate ways for the rest of the evening.  I carried the Costco size jar of M and M's back upstairs to my office closet, because they aren't for idle snacking.  Mark started laughing at me.  He said it looked like I was going to go upstairs and drown my sorrows in a huge amount of M and M's.

There could be worse ways to drown sorrows. 

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