
Friday, May 31, 2024

Grateful Friday

Yesterday was more teacher meetings and I went away from it feeling frustrated and depleted.

I don't want to be a rigid teacher who won't improve because she wants to do it the way she's always done it.

I also don't want to jump on every bandwagon that comes along that is shiny and new and waste my time with it until the next shiny and new initiative comes along.

It is exhausting and maddening and makes me cranky.

I talked to Marianne while I drove home and lucky girl got an earful of my angst.  We talked about all the things and at one point I said, "If I ever got a tattoo, it would read, 'I tried'."

Then I amended it, "I'm still trying."

I'm not going to get a tattoo, but I will keep trying.

I'll eventually, hopefully settle into a schedule because I'm a toddler and need a schedule to feel right in the world.

It will all work out.

It will all work out.

I'll keep saying it.

I'll keep trying.

I'm grateful that one frustrating day does not a life make.

I'm grateful for people who listen to me even when I'm exceptionally whiny.


Marianne said...

I'll always listen to you and you weren't even whiny!

Mark Dahl said...

I will always listen to you too. I'm sure you're not whiny.

Olivia Cobian said...

I can't really commit to ALWAYS listening to you, especially if you're whiny, but you already have those others who will. ;)


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