
Monday, May 27, 2024


 Friday was the last day of school.  I said good-bye to my class and I cried a little.  My sweetest boy cried and that about did me in.  He also slid a dollar across my desk at me.  I said, "You already gave me a gift yesterday!"

He insisted I take it.

We went back and forth and I finally decided to respect his desire to be generous and I took his dollar bill.

One of my girls grabbed my arm and walked around the classroom and said she loved it and pointed to the sign on the wall and read, "Everything you don't know is something you can learn."

It was like she was imprinting it all on her mind.

Some of the girls sat down on the floor and said, "We won't leave!"

When the bell rang, they lingered and I hugged every one of them, one by one.  My little guy who gave me so much trouble threw his arms around me and said, "I love you!"

It was hard to say good-bye.

We had more good-byes at the end of year teacher brunch.  Some of my dear friends are leaving and I can't imagine school next year without Emily, our special ed. teacher, who is moving to a new school.

That afternoon I finished my WGU orientation.  It was kind of a hassle and I hope the hassles don't continue as I continue with my degree.

I think Adam hopes they don't continue too, because guess who gets an earful about my hassles?

Saturday, Adam and Mark went with me to my school and spent hours building my new desk and drawer units.  It was very kind of them.  While they did that, I emptied three bookshelves and moved them and rearranged the contents onto two of them (I'm getting rid of one bookshelf).  On the one hand, it seems like getting rid of storage is the wrong move, but on the other hand, I have too much stuff and so less storage will keep me editing.

The rest of the weekend was lovely.  I worked with Marie Louise on family history.  When she came over, I said, "I'm in the middle of a soap opera."

She said, "Oh no!"

I said, "It's your family, not mine."

We unraveled a whole situation with a child being born whose mother was a "visitor" according to the census while the wife was still alive and living elsewhere.  A son on the census belonged to the father and visitor. Then the father married the mother of the second batch of children after the wife died five years later.

We just entered it all into Family Search, hoping they'll work it out in heaven.

We had dinner on the deck in perfect weather and my yellow roses from Nevada are blooming.  Liliana came as well as our kids and it is always so nice to have them.

Today we are doing the Memorial Day cemetery rounds and I couldn't be happier about it.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

You are so loved by your lucky, lucky students!


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