
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Maybe I'm just a whiner

All year, whenever we've had our monthly hour of professional development on google meet, I've said, "Why can't they just have a PD day and do it all then?  In person?"

Yesterday we had an all day meeting on the very uncomfortable and very air conditioning isn't working media center at Lone Peak High School.  

The AC worked in the rest of the school and there were over 60 of us crammed in that room like so many sleeves of crackers.  

Me, sitting in the same chair all day, whiny.

Me, having an hour PD once a month, whiny.

It's not a phase, it's who I am.

I went to donate blood and had a conversation with the lady letting my blood about the joys and discomforts of adult children and I've got to say, it made me feel better.  We need each other and our stories to know we're not alone.

I came home and painted some more to get the fortitude to do it all again the next day.  This time a copycat Kandinsky.  If I had another canvas, I would paint a Rothko.

I'm taking both of them to hang in Nevada.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

I love that you are painting your own decor! You are amazing!


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