
Thursday, May 30, 2024

In between

These days are weird in between times.

It's not school and it doesn't exactly feel like summer (apart from the open the window/ turn on the AC debate which we will consider all summer except for those scorching days when it is only turn on the AC).  Yesterday was another round of meetings at Lone Peak.  Also, we realized that there is a window at Lone Peak High School where you can see this amazing view of Lone Peak, the mountain.  Another third grade teacher from another school realized it and we googled to make sure that actually was Lone Peak, because it's a lot more obviously Lone Peak from the Salt Lake Valley side.  It was indeed Lone Peak and we all nodded our respect for the powers that be who perfectly framed it in that big window.

Besides that, the day was kind of long.  I talked to Braeden and he asked if it was soul sucking.  I said, "Partly, partly it was engaging."

It was long in the same chair though and none of us are used to that.

I didn't come home and paint, but I came home and worked on my Sunday School lesson.  Mark came over to do some yard work, then when he was waiting for me to finish preparing dinner, he went to the basement to "divest" some of his cards.  He came up with a small stack and reported it was worth $132 and he was taking them to sell after institute last night.

The more desperate he gets for cash, maybe the more space we'll get in the basement.

Win. Win.

It was nice to have him for dinner though.  Emma and Mark realized awhile ago that when they are eating here, if I set the table, I put them across from me.  When Adam sets the table, he places them across from him.

We like those kids.

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