
Monday, April 20, 2009

Taking My Breath Away and Vice Versa

This morning Adam left for work before I was conscious. I talked to him later on the phone. I asked him how he was. "How are you?" he countered. He asked me if I remembered last night.

Then all at once I did.

Last night I woke up in a panic. I sat up and couldn't breathe. I just could not breathe. I woke up Adam and he told me to lay on my side. I was in too much of a panic to obey so he pushed me on my side and I could breathe again. Instantly Adam was standing on my side of the bed, asking me if I was OK. And suddenly I was.

After he went back to sleep, I lay in bed, wondering why I abruptly hadn't been able to breathe. I wondered why Adam had known that I could breathe if I lay on my side. I went back to sleep and promptly forgot about the whole incident until Adam reminded me.

Ever since, I've been thinking about it. Is there some cosmic reason behind this? I wonder. Also, when did Adam get so alert at night? When our babies were babies, I was the one that sprung out of bed at the least sound while Adam didn't budge. I'd go from deeply asleep to completely awake in a nanosecond if I needed to.

I got over it.

Now on the rare occasions that our kids need something in the night, Adam is often the one to help. And I sleep on.

My other thought is that while it's lovely to have a husband who takes your breath away, it's even better to have one that knows how to restore it.

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