
Friday, April 10, 2009

Weather, Fair and Otherwise

I am a fair weather Mariners fan. I like watching the games...when they're having a winning season. In 1995, they had a great season. In our tiny newlywed apartment, Adam wanted to watch the games and as a recent bride, I was joined to him at the hip. Well as joined to the hip as you can be when you don't even own a couch but instead have two retro chairs from your grandma's basement. 2001 was another good year and we watched a lot of games. Mostly when we were playing dominoes with Adam's parents. It's a great aspect of baseball that it's slow moving enough that you can almost always do something else besides.

Last year I maybe watched two games. Not a great season.

It's still too early to tell if I'll be a Mariners fan this year. Last night at Costco, we saw a table of Seattle Mariners apparel. Adam picked up a sweatshirt and said, "This would be great for the summer."

I wonder if in other cities with Major League Baseball teams they sell thick hooded sweatshirts that would be "great for the summer?"

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