
Sunday, May 10, 2009

No Child Left Behind

You know how on Mother's Day there are stories and sentiments floating around that make you feel slightly guilty, "I'm not that good of a mother..."

Well never fear, I have a story for you that will make you feel really good. You will think, "I am not that kind of a mother....I'm so much better!"

I'm just really kind like that. Remember this story? It seems like a pattern in my motherhood.

Last night we were at the church, assembling gifts as a Relief Society presidency. I had Adam and Emma and Mark there to help (Braeden was babysitting). We had two cars there because Adam had met me at the church.

The carrot dangling in front of the working children was that we'd go to Alfy's for pizza afterward.

As we were turning lights off and locking up and stowing the assembled gift baskets in the clerk's office for safe keeping, I called out to the parking lot to Adam to go ahead to Alfy's and order the pizza and I'd be there shortly. I thought he had both kids with him.

After a few minutes I too left the church and drove the short distance to Alfy's. We waited for the pizza to arrive then gathered the kids from the arcade area to come and eat.

Except for where was Emma?

We searched.

Then realized she was still at the church.

Adam thought I had her and I was SURE he had her. Adam rushed back to the church and I nervously looked at the pizza sitting on the table and couldn't eat any because what sort of terrible mother am I anyway?

Adam and sweet Emma with tear stained cheeks entered and relief flooded me.

When I had flipped off the light in the women's bathroom at the church, Emma had been inside. She'd been plunged in complete darkness. When she finally made her way out of the bathroom, the church was empty. She went to the parking lot and realized it was empty but the church was locked and she was stuck outside. She wisely (good girl Emma!) decided the busy street shouldn't be crossed to get to Alfy's. She also decided where she'd sleep (behind some bushes) because she assumed that if we were dumb enough to leave her in the first place, we were probably not smart enough to come back for her.

Happily all was well at last.

And we have a new policy: No Child Left Behind.

We'll work on that.


lifeatthewhitehouse said...

I can soooo relate! I always have great "Bad Mother" stories. Some sort of pattern developing, I must say! This is what happens when LIFE happens! :) I just love how she found a place to sleep that night!!

Tabor said...

How was the pizza?

Susie said...

I was saddened to hear that story as we were all there at the church together. I'm sure glad she was safe and she stayed put. Mackenzie even said Emma mentioned that for her good/bad news moments in primary. I think that happens to more then we even now. Glad it was a happy ending though.

Olivia Cobian said...

Counting to 3 can be hard.


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