
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Coping...Sort Of

My mom told me I can only whine on Wednesday.

Well, it's Wednesday.

We are in the midst of a record breaking heat wave.

It turns out I'm not a big fan of record breaking heat waves. (I am, however, a big fan of fans.)

It reminds me of summer in Connecticut and we left Connecticut for a reason.

Yesterday we fled the confines of our hot house and headed to IKEA. For no reason really, besides the air conditioning and the longish drive there--in the air conditioned van. We wandered around and decided which couch was the ugliest couch in America (there were some really garish patterns) and Mark had to try every keyboard on every prop computer to see if the IKEA people had accidentally put a real computer with real internet access. We bought three different types of cookies because really, we have to do our part when it comes to taste testing. (raspberry was the winner)

We spent some quality time in the cafeteria with meatballs and lignonberry sauce. Then Mark and Emma filled their cups at the soda fountain with different combinations and I guessed the ingredients.

In case you are wondering, they were none too delicious.

We headed back to Grandma and Grandpa's relatively cool backyard for dinner and a turn in the sprinklers.

It didn't cool down so much last night and today doesn't look great. Seattle may break it's highest temperature in recorded history.

It's enough to make us cranky.

And it has.

Today we're going to hit a matinee. Braeden wasn't too excited about the movie Mark wanted and I had to remind him. It's not about the movie. It's about the air conditioning.

1 comment:

Susie said...

I hope your coping and not wilting away. I feel I have and hope this soon passes or I might have to move to a hotel with air and a pool until it does. I can't believe this heat here in the NW.


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