
Friday, June 3, 2011

All or Nothing

Mark doesn't do things halfway.  He never has (which can be a good thing or a bad thing).  He gets passionate about something or other and embraces it whole-heartedly.

He watched National Treasure which enthralled him.  He watched it several times.  He became thrilled at the cemetery on Memorial Day when he saw Freemason symbols on gravestones.  "They're from the movie!"  He told me all about Freemasons while he hopped along walking back to the car to get a sweatshirt.  (He, of course, hadn't brought one but I'd brought one for him because he's the biggest pain in America when he's cold...or hot...or thirsty.)

When we got home, he wanted to search the internet for the symbol so he could draw it.  Instead I printed it for him.  He immediately cut it out and taped it to his shirt.  He wore it the next day as well as a wig Emma used for a school project.  An eight year old powdered wig masonic patriot.

Here's the "Declarashin of Indupendints" shown above:

He also assembled some reading material:

He asked me if he could have a flag pole and an American flag with thirteen stars.  I said, "Maybe."  Which meant, "no".

Later in the day I noticed he had his pajamas on under his clothes.  I asked him why.  He said that some of the Revolutionary soldiers didn't have coats so he was wearing his pajamas to stay warm while he marched.

I think the patriots would have been happy to have Mark on their side.

At least until he got cold...or hot...or thirsty.


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