
Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Braeden and I had a lot of good conversations when it was just the two of us at home.  One thing we talked about was marriage.  He said Adam and I have a good marriage and he wanted to know what advice I had for him about choosing someone to marry.

This is not an every-day-of-the-week kind of conversation with a teenager.  I think it helped that I was plying him with movies and meals in his favorite restaurants.  I guess it made him complimentary and solicit my advice.

Whatever it takes.

Anyway.  Thinking about marriage, I don't know how I got so lucky.

Here's an example of what it's like to be married to Adam.

Every Sunday, he comes to the primary room and asks me if he's needed anywhere.  He often is.  I usually send him to Mark's classroom where he's been known to teach with about twenty seconds notice or I'll send him some other place.  Sometimes he's sat in the primary room with a class that needs him.

Last Sunday he came to the primary room and I told him I thought we were good and he could go to his adult Sunday School class.

Then I slipped away from primary to try to attend to my eye which had been bothering me all morning.  It turned out that my contact had a rip in it.  No wonder if was hurting so much.  It is my bad eye that has been known to turn on me so I didn't want to enrage it with a ripped contact.  On the other hand, I was teaching sharing time in 15 minutes.  I finally decided to try it with one contact.  I threw the ripped one away and walked to the primary room, trying not to run into anything.  While I was sitting there during singing time, I decided I was going to get a terrible head-ache with my unbalanced eyes.  I pulled out the other contact and threw it in the garbage and went and found Adam.  He was on the front row in Sunday School.  At least I thought that was him (I couldn't see too well).  I tapped him on the shoulder and he followed me out of the room.

I explained my dilemma and told him my glasses were on the counter in our bathroom.  He didn't hesitate but left the church immediately.

Soon I was teaching sharing time.  Every child was sort of a blur.  I couldn't see the clock so I asked Janet to tell me when it was time to be done.  I tried my best to name children the right name when I called on them to answer a question.

It was sort of a mess.

Then my knight in shining armor walked in the room, he handed me my glasses and I could see the beautiful children's faces that I love.

Also I could see the back of the man that I love as he was heading back to his class.

So I don't know if Braeden will be in a complimentary/soliciting advice mood again anytime soon, but if he can find a girl to marry that is as kind as his dad, he will be OK.  He will have a happy life.

My secret to a happy marriage:  marry Adam.

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