
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Big announcement!

Last week Marianne called me and I'm always happy to hear from her.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Well..." she paused kind of dramatically, "I guess hurt.  Yes, I'm hurt."

"What happened?" I wondered, feeling sort of concerned, but not all the way concerned because she seemed like she was joking.

"When were you going to tell me about Mark's parts in the play?" she demanded.  "That's a perfect thing you could have put on Marco Polo."

(Marianne is a one woman campaign to get our family to use an app called Marco Polo where you send short videos to each other.)

"I didn't send it on Marco Polo because we didn't have the app yet," I said.  "I think we found out in like November or December."

That didn't help my cause.

"You need to tell me these things," Marianne said.  I offered up a short list of things I had told her.  See?  I tell things.

Yesterday, Marianne commented on my blog (anonymously, because she can't always be bothered to sign in) that she was still waiting for the big announcement.

Marianne, consider this the big announcement.  Mark got a part in the play.  

And we do Marco Polo.  When Mark is in the basement and I want him to come up, I call down the stairs, "Marco!"

And he answers, "Polo!"

And he may or may not come upstairs.  Depends on if he's hungry.  (So he usually comes upstairs.)


The best part of this story?  Mark has people like Marianne in his life.  How wonderful to be loved enough by someone that she'll reprimand your mother if she's not kept abreast of your life.

Lucky Mark and lucky me that she's my sister.

(And later that day I talked to Olivia and told her about Mark's play.  She's the same kind of aunt and I didn't need both of them mad at me.)

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