
Friday, January 26, 2018

Grateful Friday

Today I'm grateful for health.

Mark has been sick all week.  Hopefully he'll be well enough to go to school today but I've thought that all week.

Last night Mark said the prayer and prayed that he would be well enough to go to school.  After he said, "I think that's the first time I ever prayed to be able to go to school...."

Fortunately he's a generally healthy kid and while he's been knocked a little flat this week, he'll bounce back.  Our bodies are amazing.

I'm also grateful for medicine.  I've felt a little run down the past few days but have not succumbed to the full blown flu and I credit zinc and the antiviral medicine I take for my eye.  I'm glad I have had Advil and cough medicine and electrolytes for Mark.

We've come a long way from leaches.

Last night we were telling Mark about when Adam had cellulitis.  Mark doesn't remember it although Mark is part of the story for me because while Adam was in the hospital, Mark broke a window at Marianne's house.

Mark said, "I did what?!?"

Life with Mark has always been an adventure.

Adam is still alive (and still has his leg) because of modern medicine.

So today I'm grateful for our usual mode of operation, which is healthy and I'm grateful for medicine for when we're not.

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