
Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Our children's grade point averages are not a huge deal to us.  Sure, we'd love them to get into college (of course) or maybe even get scholarships (who wouldn't?).  Mostly though, we want them to do their best.

Such a lofty goal.

So hard to attain.

Because here's the thing with kids (at least our kids), they'd rather do other stuff.

There are books to read and video games to play and friends to socialize with.  Plus Emma is in the middle of writing the Great American Novel.  All of these things take precedence for them.   I get that.  (But I want them to do their best at school too.)

I'm still working on that magic bullet that will ensure their best effort, but I think recent events may help me.

I looked online at their grades for the last semester.

Braeden's G.P.A. is higher than...wait for it...Emma's.  I don't know who was more surprised, Braeden or Emma.  Emma's mouth formed a little O when she heard that news but no sound came out.

Braeden has worked pretty hard this year.  If he's walking around without a tail, it may be that he's worked it off.  It is nice to see his effort pay off.  It's nice for him to see, "Hey, maybe I am smart."

Emma has been doing a bit of a coast (for her).  She's generally very conscientious, but she's relaxed a bit too much maybe.  It's nice for her to see, "Hey, I'd better pay attention here."

Good lessons all around.

On Saturday when I picked up the mail, there was a small stack of letters from colleges to Braeden.  Is he old enough for that barrage to start?  We all know everybody gets those letters.

(Maybe Emma doesn't know that though.)

She said, "Why did all these colleges write to you, Braeden?"

"Emma," he said solicitously, putting an arm around her shoulders, "This is what happens when someone has a G.P.A. that is higher than yours."


Juli said...

Now THAT is a good lesson. :)

Whitney said...

Haha! Braeden is hilarious. Good job getting a higher GPA than Emma. I'd write to him if I was a college..


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