
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thank you but I'll take wrinkles

Yesterday I was working more towards putting everything back to rights after Christmas.  It takes me some time.  I sort of change everything.

I exchanged the curtains in my living room.  When I was hanging up the new ones, I was standing on a chair.  I leaned over, too far it turned out, to straighten them and I lost my balance.

The good news is there was a lamp there to keep me from falling all the way to the floor.

The bad news is that the lamp has a sharp (really sharp I now know) finial on the top.

It's a little hard to see the lamp because it is actually sunny today which is fabulous except it always makes (my otherwise spotlessly clean) windows look dirty.

In my ungraceful near catastrophe, I twisted my back and it hurt.

Old age.  (You can't even fall off a chair any more without hurting yourself.)

Then Braeden was telling me about a friend of his.  He told me the boy she likes.  "Really?" I asked, "Him?"

He said, "Well she doesn't like him as a person, she just likes him."

There are worse things than feeling old.

Being a teenager, for one.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

That's hilarious! Wait. I don't mean it's hilarious that you fell off a chair and got injured and all. It's hilarious that she doesn't like him as a person. Maybe she likes him as an appetizer.


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