
Monday, September 22, 2014

Homecoming, some Mormon humor, and a Ferris wheel

Well, it was a pretty good weekend.

Friday night, Adam and I went to the movie Magic in the Moonlight which we enjoyed.  I enjoyed it almost as much as the text I saw while we were leaving the theater.

Braeden was at the PGHS homecoming game.  They were playing Lehi and he sent us a picture of a sign some kids made:

Cracked. Me. Up.

Oh, and Pleasant Grove won.

Braeden came home with his face painted and bouncing on the balls of his feet.  He had had a good time.  I am still very grateful for happy children.

Saturday afternoon Emma and I went on an Explore.  We checked out two stores Jennifer recommended, Tai Pan Trading and Rod Works, as well as stores that Marianne and her girls rave about, Down East Outfitters and Mikarose.  They all lived up to their billing.  It's nice to get the inside scoop from people in the know.

Braeden had a Homecoming date.  It was an involved affair.  It started at 2:30 in the afternoon for a "day date" which is apparently a thing here.  Then, they all went home to their various houses to get ready and reconvened at about 6:45.  Braeden was looking dapper.

Adam checked over his face and pointed out the spots he'd missed shaving.  I pointed out that his chin was girl-eye level so he needed to shave well.  Then Adam helped him into his jacket.  Braeden called Adam his "man-servant."

 Adam said, "Call me Mr. Bates."

Adam and Mark and I headed to Scheel's, a sporting goods store (Emma was shopped out).  My brothers had told Adam about it (more familial retail recommendations).  It's a huge store with a Ferris wheel in the center.  (Why wouldn't there be a Ferris wheel in the center?)

Mark wanted to ride and I agreed to go with him.  When we were jerking and rocking toward the top, stopping frequently for loading and unloading, I remembered how much I don't like Ferris wheels.

I do like Mark though.  He made me laugh the whole time.  He was trying to make me feel better and told me that they wouldn't put us on it if it weren't safe.  I said, "Didn't you hear about all those people who died on a Ferris wheel?"

He said, "Wait. No..."

I said, "See, they cover it up.  They don't want us to know."

He assured me we would live.

(Spoiler alert: we did.)

After the dance, the three couple group Braeden was with came to our house for ice cream and a lot of ice water (Homecoming dances are thirsty work apparently) and jumping on the trampoline in formal wear--Adam had wisely turned off the sprinkler system in advance.

I didn't get any pictures of the kids but Adam and I, as parents of the boy and therefore completely helpless in such matters, were happy to see how modestly the girls were dressed.  They all looked beautiful and I could tell the kids were all drama kids.  It's not just drama kids that are look-you-in-the-eye, confident and well-spoken, but I've only met a few drama kids that aren't that way.

I like teenagers.


Geri said...

Caught up this morning from being away from the computer last week and had to laugh at Mark. He is so....funny. It must be the month for short, unplanned hair. Tell Mark Jackson asked for a trim on the sides and top of his mature high school hair style and Eve got talking and gave him his old mock mohawk look. He said retakes are next month so he'd wait for pictures.

Also Ferris Wheels are dangerous and should never be ridden. My mom said she saw a picture of one that tipped over.

Katie said...

Did you get to eat some fudge as a reward for riding the ferris wheel? They will mail it to you if you didn't get any. I recommend the Jordon River Sludge...

Marianne said...

Would have liked some homecoming couple pictures.

Clarissa Johnson said...

That sign about Lehi is so hilarious! I had to show my roommate. :) Also Braeden is pretty super cool. Dances are so fun, but I also am expecting some couple pictures!

Clarissa Johnson said...

Also, I love the Ferris Wheel at Scheels! Best dollar I've ever spent. :)

Janet said...

I am going to put in another request for couples' photos . . . you do take requests, right? ;)

Stephanie l Johnson said...

I am just loving being able to keep in touch. THanks for the words and the photos.

How is your grandma? I know you were glad to be closer to her.




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