
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Surprised and delighted

At Macey's, the grocery store where I usually shop (I still haven't 100% committed to Macey' store loyalty can't be taken lightly), there is an aisle with a sign above it that reads, "Prices that surprise and delight."

(I always try to position my face into an appropriately surprised and delighted expression...for Mark.  He's who I shop with.)

Lately, in addition to the prices at Macey's, my boys have surprised and delighted me a little.

1)  When we first moved here, Braeden seemed to purely hate everything and everyone in Pleasant Grove.  Maybe in Utah altogether.  He was against it all.  The other night, completely unprompted, he said, "I like Pleasant Grove.  It's a good town."

Shut the front door!

2)  Mark will tell anyone who will listen how much he hates to read.  He grumbles about it and unlike my other two at that age, I never find that he's slipped off to read.  Never.  He did like one series of Usborne books a few years ago so I got him the first book in another similar series.  A few nights ago he came into our room late enough that I crankily asked, "What do you need, Mark?  I already kissed you goodnight."  (My patience has a nightly expiration date.)  He flopped face down on our bed, groaning, and in a muffled voice said,  "Cliff hanger!"

He had finished the book and was desperate for the next in the series (which I've ordered).

Mark had been reading and I hadn't been making him.  I know, right?

What will happen next?

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

Maybe I should go to your store. I wouldn't mind being surprised and delighted. I'd rather just hang out at the Davis Residence. That seems to have the same effect.


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