
Friday, March 15, 2019

Grateful Friday

Last night at Relief Society, I was sitting at a table with a few of my friends and one of them told the other one about a dream she had had about her.  It was vivid and detailed and I said, "I never remember my dreams that well."

Then last night, I had a whopper of a dream.  My back was hurting and one of the other aides at the school (who I trust with medical advice?) said it was broken and it would be better to cut off the broken part.  That seemed like a great idea.  She got a chainsaw(!) and cut me in two, about in the middle of my back.  It didn't hurt anymore!  I thought it had been such a clever idea.  Then I started thinking about mobility and how I have stairs at my house.  I decided I needed a wheelchair and I was talking to my mom and she said, "Oh you can pick up one of those at any Walmart."

I called Adam and he told me that he only had his head.  He had cut away the rest of his body.

Then I woke up with all the relief of someone who is having a wacky dream.  I was grateful that I had my legs still (and all the lower organs that had apparently been cut away).  And I wondered how Adam, with only his head, had even answered the phone in my dream.

I'm not one to usually remember my dreams or take some metaphorical meaning from them, but this morning I remembered more of the conversation around the table at Relief Society last night.  We were talking about our hands and we all talked about how old our hands looked with dry (winter!) and thin crepey skin.  Then one of the ladies, she's close to my mom's age and kind and wise, said, "But just think about everything our hands do!"

And it's true.  They do a lot.

And I'm not going to start cutting off body parts just because they hurt or are looking old.

So there's my lesson for the day (and it isn't even 7:00 AM).

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

I had a dream once that I had a lot of company coming and didn't have enough meat to feed them for dinner. I decided to cut off Carolina's hand to supplement the meal. Marianne was kind of horrified.


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