
Friday, March 8, 2019

Grateful Friday

A few nights ago, Adam said, "I don't know if we've ever been this busy."

"I was pretty busy when I was homeschooling all three kids," I said.  (And he was traveling to London about once a month.) "But," I remembered, "back then our kids went to bed in the 8:00 hour and now I start folding laundry then."

It's a different kind of busy.

Which is why the other day, before work, I was freaking out.  I was looking at my calendar and my to do list and feeling overwhelmed.  I talked to Adam--like I do and was feeling some better.  But still.  March.  I am hosting book club, have Relief Society birthday dinner responsibilities, am getting ready for a road trip, and I'm applying for a job.  Oh, and all the regular stuff too.


On the way to work, I decided to ignore what was weighing me down and instead, spend the entire drive thinking about things I'm grateful for.

It helped.  It always does.

Topping my list is Adam who is funny and kind and knows how to make me feel better when I'm having my very own March Madness situation.

Next up are our children.  They are better people than I deserve.  I'm far from a perfect mother and none of them are perfect either but they never cease to entertain, delight, inspire and teach me.  Because of them, I recognize the secretly brilliant kids at school that are in learning disability camouflage.   I see the quiet kids who are wickedly smart but don't particularly want to be called on by the teacher.  I see the restless souls with low impulse control that are capable of greatness if you can channel their untamed razzmatazz in the right direction.

My kids prepared me.

(I don't always know exactly what to do for these kids--I didn't with my own kids either.  But because of my kids, I having a little better understanding and I recognize them.)

I felt grateful for my parents and Adam's parents and our siblings.

I felt grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ which soothes my worries. (The other day I was feeling worried about several people at the same time and read about Jesus calming the seas and healing the sick.  There's help for the people I'm worried about too.)

I felt grateful for my job.  I mostly love it (especially since it got warmer).  I love the kids whose faces light up when they see me, the ones who avoid eye contact, and the ones who sort of groan and roll their eyes. I love getting hugged and tying shoes and being known as someone who can get even the toughest knots out of laces.

I love being in a school.

I'm grateful for the chance (as straight up terrifying as it is) to apply for a teaching job.  I don't know what will happen or if I'll find what I'm looking for.

I'm grateful that I have the luxury to be picky in my search.

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