
Friday, March 22, 2019

Grateful Friday

Last week, Mark lost his wallet and keys.  He had left them at the school while he went to a drama competition (they were supposed to leave their things behind).  Then, Adam picked him up from the drama competition early because he was sick and the school was locked so he couldn't get his stuff until the next day.

And his wallet and keys were gone.

Cue all the angst and motherly frustration. (Why didn't you lock your wallet in your car and put your car keys in your pocket?!?)

I went to the school with Mark last Friday after school and we searched the drama room and asked at the office and the nice lady there searched all the cabinets and cupboards where lost items get stowed.


Mark texted his entire drama class and asked if anyone had seen anything.

He texted his friends.


On Sunday, one of Mark's friends, who isn't a rapid checker of text messages, texted back (aren't teenagers supposed to irrevocably tethered to their phones?).  When he had arrived at the school after the late night competition Thursday, he had seen Mark's keys and wallet and hidden them so no one would steal them.

I told Mark to tell his friend that he was my favorite person in the world.

Braeden and Emma went with Anna and Anna's sister to Moab and Arches National Park on Friday because it was their spring day (which is BYU's version of spring break--and since a few years ago they didn't even get a spring day, no one is complaining).

Braeden took his horse head--because why wouldn't he.  He created this meme and sent it in celebration of the lost wallet and keys:

Magic the Gathering is a card game Mark likes to play with his friends.  I don't know if that explains the meme or not.  I just love those two kids climbing the red rocks (and their brother with the red hair).

And I'm grateful the wallet and keys were found.

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