
Friday, March 1, 2019

Grateful Friday

When I was in elementary school I had to wear undershirts during the winter.  I hated wearing undershirts.  I also had heavy coats and boots and mittens.  As I trudged through the snow to and from the bus, I felt weighed down.

Then, in spring, I could stop wearing undershirts (late spring, because Elko county).  Eventually I could trade in my boots for regular shoes and skip taking mittens.  Eventually I didn't even need a coat.  It would be wonderful.  I'd feel light and unfettered and happy.

Spring used to be my favorite season.

Then as an adult I lived in Seattle and spring was sort of the worst.  It just meant more rain.  Since the winters weren't too terribly cold, it just felt like an elongated winter.  But with flowers.

Moving to Utah, I hadn't really rekindled my love affair with spring until this year.  The difference is recess.

Not since I was a child has my daily wardrobe or disposition been affected so thoroughly by the weather.

This week, spring has felt near.  It's not here yet, but it is waiting in the wings.  I've heard birds.  Some of the trees have bulges where they will blossom sometime in the months to come.  I haven't been freezing cold all day.  There is a different quality to the light.

Yesterday at work, I passed one of the first grade teachers in the hall.  She said, "Wow, you have a spring in your step.  I don't think I'd be able to keep up with you."

Last night Adam told Marianne and Robert that I hadn't complained for three days.  (I set a goal for one day and look at me overachieve!)

It's because I'm not cold!

Rejoice!  Let the sun shine!

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

I need to set a goal like that!


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