
Monday, June 17, 2019

Father's Day

In church yesterday a speaker read this.  It's from a Mormon Message in 2013.  I love it.  

I'm awake.

I remember Him.

I gaze upon them before I part. They lie in their bed, unaware of me watching. I leave. They sleep.

The small home I help provide is their world. They play. They explore--learning to move, to feel, to see, to know--not once thinking of how it all came to be.

Crayons, toys, books--it's all for them.

The fridge opens, the pantry exposed. They expect food to be there. Not a thought. Not a doubt. Just hunger.

Cereal, milk, yogurt, messy fingers, messy faces--all fed. Tummies are full. Now it's nap time. My wife likes nap time.

Once again they lie in the comfort we provide--all while I work. I'm far but close, always thinking of them.

My phone rings. I only hear breathing. I smile. My wife's phone is now missing. I do it all for them.

I work that they may grow. They trust so deeply. How I yearn to do the same.

They see so little of how it all came to be--never questioning, only trusting. I come home to second hugs. Now I'm a horse.

We eat dinner, brush teeth. Jammie time. Finally it's bedtime.

Once again they lay their heads on the pillows we provide.

I will be their protector. I will be their gentle friend. I will be my wife's faithful husband. I am a father.

I am also a son. And while I may not understand all that He does for me, I do know that all that I am and all that I have is because He's a father to me.

I now stand very aware of how it all came to be.

The good men in my life have also taught me more about Heavenly Father.  My father worked and provided so I didn't have to think about food or shelter or opportunity.  I was just given it.  Adam works and provides.  I think I probably am more aware of his work than my dad's and I take it for granted less, but still, I take it for granted.  What a luxury to be able to take things like that for granted!

There is always food in the pantry.  There is someone to answer the really tough questions.  There is an anchor for me and also for our kids.

They have taught me about Heavenly Father.  I have a Father who loves me and provides me with what I need--even when what I need are tough mortal experiences that try me and teach me lessons I didn't know I wanted or needed.

I am grateful for good men and good fathers.

Adam and Braeden

me, Olivia, my dad, Marianne

Braeden and Linn

Linn and Mark

Mark and Mark

Adam and Mark

Adam and Emma
Me, Braeden, Grandpa Dahl, and Grandma Dahl

Grandma Jaynes, holding me; Grandpa Jaynes holding Marianne

Linn, Emma, Jackson and Kain

Braeden, Adam and Emma

There's no price tag you can put on good men being good fathers.

1 comment:

Marianne said...

Great. Now I’m sitting here in the Hong Kong airport just bawling!


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