
Tuesday, June 25, 2019


I am in deep with my curriculum.  First, I was working on drama lessons and now I've moved on to art lessons.  They are easier to find and more interesting to me.  My office looked something like a war zone yesterday afternoon when Anna and Braeden walked in to say good-bye.

Anna hadn't seen my office before and she said (because she is only ever polite), "What a nice room!"

I looked around at the chaos and said it was a reflection of my brain.

So many ideas.

Which ideas to choose and how to organize them has my mind spinning and also has me flinging books and papers around.

I don't even want to talk about how many tabs were open on my computer.

I started with kindergarten and it has come together.  I need toilet paper tubes for two separate projects we are going to do.  So I told my family, "Save toilet paper tubes!"

Adam wondered if I'm going to become a hoarder now.

The answer is yes.

Last night Adam and I were at Costco and I saw a man pushing a cart with a big Costco sized package of toilet paper and a big Costco sized package of paper towels.  I told Adam, "Maybe I should ask that guy to save the tubes for me."

Later, when we were home, I was upstairs and Adam called up to me, "Thelma!  Come quick!  Look at this!"

He said it such urgency that I thought either he was 1) bleeding or 2) half of the house had fallen over.  I went running down the stairs.

There he was holding a toilet paper tube.  "In the words of The Ghostbusters, 'we got one.'"

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