
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Nervous nellies

Yesterday I talked to Marianne.  She was nervous because Desi was going on a multi-day wilderness survival adventure for a wilderness survival class she is taken for no reason that makes any sense to me.

(I love not camping.)

A few weeks ago, after hearing about it from Marianne, I gave Desi a mini lecture about it (you know, like you do).  She said, "I never should have told my mom about it."

Here's the thing:  two people have died doing the BYU survival trip.  They've made changes to the program since then.

But still.

I was nervous because Mark left for Texas for his Thespian Convention.  He went last year and loved it and was excited to go again.

The Gaylord Texan is a far cry from wilderness survival, but diabetes is dangerous.

This is the first time Mark's been away from both Adam and me and I worry about him managing everything on his own.

Here's what it comes down to:  mommin' ain't easy.

1 comment:

Marianne said...

Here's hoping that our children survive hazards of all kinds!


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