
Friday, November 8, 2019

These are the days

These are the days of the groceries still on the counter (in shopping bags) from when I went shopping on Tuesday (the perishables were put away).

These are the days of spending very little time at home all week because I go to work and Mark's show.

These are the days of willing my eyes to stay open at the theater each night.

These are the days of going to bed and waking up thinking about teaching.  I had a smart idea while putting in my contacts this morning so that pondering isn't all wasted.

These are the days of being a cranky teacher the last hour or so of the day.  I think I'm just tired.

These are the days of looking forward to brunch with Marianne tomorrow.

These are the days of planning Christmas in bits and pieces in snatches of time.

These are the days of waking up too early every morning.  My body is not adjusting to the time change.  I wake up at 4:30 like it's my job.  I try to go back to sleep.  I probably should just get up and put the groceries away.

These are the days of brilliant sunny cool days that I am loving.

These are the days of missing Emma, but happy for her too.  I can't wait for her to come home.

These are the days of listening to General Conference talks on the way to work every morning.  They make a difference in my day.

These are the days of wishing I had more time for bookclub.  I've missed months of it with my busy life.  I have the next book downloaded on my phone to listen to but I haven't started it yet.

It's been a hard week.  It hasn't been a terrible week though.  I'm healthy and I have a family who loves me and I have food to eat (evidenced by the bags on the counter).  Yesterday about 10 people told me they liked my earrings and sweater.  Is this me, becoming a fashion icon?  (No.  The answer is no.  It was a fluke.)

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