
Monday, November 11, 2019


Mark and I had a pow wow and talked about goal setting.  We both feel out of control of certain aspects of our lives and decided that setting SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely) might be a start.

As a side note, it seems like attainable and realistic are about the same thing.  Mark said they are both in there so it's not smrt or smat.  I guess that makes sense.

We had different categories.  I couldn't come up with anything in the social/free time/emotional category.  Everything Mark suggested, I said, "I don't have time."

(I know how dreary this makes me seem.)

Finally Mark said, "For your goal, you should write on your blog every day, Monday through Friday like you used to."

Then he told me all the reasons why I should.  He included things like it's our family's history and reflecting on life is good and I like doing it.

He doesn't even read my blog so I don't know how he fancies himself an expert.  He is correct on every count though.

He said it doesn't have to be long.  Just write every day.  So I will.  After all, I have the same amount of time that everyone has and I'm in charge of how I spend it.

(Since I know how to motivate Mark, there may or may not be money riding on the accomplishing of our goals.  Also, he wanted Adam in on it so when he got back from his church meetings, we added his goals.  You won't even recognize us.  We'll be that improved.)


Marianne said...

Great suggestion, Mark! I'm so happy!

Olivia Cobian said...

What Marianne said!


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