
Monday, November 18, 2019


We had a teacher movie night on Friday evening at Jamie's house.  She's the instructional coach but I call her my life coach.  She is awesome and kind and has good ideas.  Also, she always has cold drinks in her office fridge we are welcome to.

We started the movie at 6:30.  Because we're teachers and it was Friday and we were all yawning.  That didn't keep us from staying after a little while and chatting about our students/teaching/all the things.

I like my teacher friends.


Adam told me he had talked to Emma and she had said one of the things she missed was "mom's cooking."  I said, "Ha!"

Adam said, "I know.  I told her 'me too'."

I will actually cook meals during Christmas break.  If I remember how.


I went to Target.  I don't think I've gone there for months.  Walmart is on the way home from work and closer in general.  I don't like Walmart but Target in American Fork is maybe too close to Silicon Slopes.  The place was crawling with Utah County's version of hipsters.  You've never seen so many bearded men in skinny jeans (why?!?) and women with fake eyelashes and those thick eyebrows that resemble caterpillars.

Maybe I'm a Walmart sort of person now.


We talked on the phone with Braeden and Anna.  I told them I had an exciting gift for them.  I bought them those grocery store chocolate advent calendars.  (Are we calling that nasty waxy stuff chocolate?)  They both had them as children though so they were happy.  Nostalgia wins the day at Christmas time.


Adam and I went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant and since we were dressed up and it is Utah County, our waitress asked, "Were you just at the temple?"

We said yes and we chatted about which temple we'd gone to since "ours" is closed for a few weeks.  When she brought me back my credit card at the end of the meal, she said, "Have a nice night Sister Davis."

I asked Adam, "Did she say that to get a good tip?"

He said, "I don't know."

I said, "Well, it worked."  It sort of delighted me.  I love being a sister in Zion with the waitress at the Mexican restaurant.


I loved the Face to Face broadcast we watched Sunday night.  We invited a few friends over to watch and one brought a pumpkin pie.  These are the kind of friends you keep.

I remember my mom saying before that she wished she could start over with her kids.  I felt the same way last night.  I think the new children and youth program seems so great and here I am with all these grown and almost grown children.

I'm grateful for continuing revelation.  Everything--though harder to remember the correct way to say it--seems to be getting better and better.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

You can join our family! When they said the program is for youth 7-18, I thought: "That's all five of my offspring!" Perfect timing--especially since it means I don't have to do the BSA thing for my three youngest boys! That is a tender mercy! (Ruben just finished all his Eagle Scout paperwork--can you tell?)


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