
Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Deals, bets and arguments

Still aglow from my successful holiday used book sale outing at the Provo library, I bought a bag of books for $1 at the Orem library and five books for $2 at the Pleasant Grove library.  (It tries its best, but it is really anemic compared to those other libraries--even its used book sale doesn't measure up.)

I can't seem to stop.  Cheap used books!  Now I just need time to read them all.

After the Lindon temple was announced, Adam and I placed a bet (a milkshake was on the line) about where it would be built.

A few days ago, the Church announced the spot.  I gleefully texted Adam that I'd won.  It was where I'd thought it would be.  Adam argued that that wasn't where I'd said it would be.  Righteous indignation (from me) and smug Adam-ness (from guess who) ensued.  He texted me a map and I said we had to drive by the spot before I'd concede anything.

So after delivering pineapples and stopping for hot chocolate, we drove by.  I said, "This is exactly where I'd thought it would be."  

Adam said, "This isn't on the mountain."

I said, "It absolutely is on the mountain."

(In case you're wondering about this high stakes bet of a milkshake, we have a joint bank account.  It was the principle of the thing.)

We asked Mark, the hapless rider in the backseat.  "Is this on the mountain?!?"

He said, "Well...compared to the valley."

Ah-ha!  We both felt vindicated.

I said, "I knew it would be by Jamie's house and this is by Jamie's house."

Adam said, "Text her and ask her if she lives on the mountain."

I said, "It's too late, I'm not texting her this late."

Adam said, "It isn't too late."

But I didn't need to text her.  

Because I was right.

On Sunday the missionaries visited us.  One of them was from the Galapagos Islands.  After they left, Mark said something about the penguins there.  I said, "There aren't penguins there!  That's part of Ecuador.  Ecuador is on the equator!"

Mark insisted.

While I was at the library, I saw this book.

I texted Mark that it was amazing the lengths he would go to to perpetuate the myth that there were penguins there.  I mean, he had a book printed?  How desperate is that kid to be right?

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

Moms are always right. At least, that's the foundation of similar arguments in our household.


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